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Easyarb Editor; Fig. 5.6: Easyarb Editor; Repetition Rate; Example Of An Arbitrary Waveform (In This Case: R&S®Hmc8043) - R&S HMC804x Benutzerhandbuch



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Instrument Functions
If the TRACK key is activated, the key LED will be illumi-
nated. Once the setting has been completed, press the
TRACK key again. Otherwise, the instrument will automati-
cally switch back after 20 seconds, without the changes
taking effect (see chapter 8.3.7 Key Fallback Time).
5 .6

EasyArb Editor

Press the ARB KEY to access the arbitrary menu. The
R&S®HMC804x allows you to generate freely program-
mable waveforms which can be reproduced within the
limits set by the instrument for voltage and current for the
respective channel. The arbitrary function can be config-
ured and executed via control panel or external interface.
For all practical purposes, each channel has its own arbi-
trary memory. This means that an arbitrary waveform is
generated and that the arbitrary waveform of the respec-
tive channel is then started. Use the menu item EDIT to
open the EasyArb editor. The parameters for the freely
programmable waveform can be edited. The respective
channel will be selected via the soft menu key CHANNEL.

Fig. 5.6: EasyArb editor

The base data for voltage, current and time (duration per
point) are required for this purpose. The appropriate base
data allow you to generate any of the common waveforms
(step function, saw tooth, sine, etc.). It is possible to repeat
a maximum of 512 arbitrary points (IDX of 0...512). The
repetition rate is at a maximum of 65535 repetitions. If the
repetition rate (soft menu key REPETITION) is set to "0",
the arbitrary function will be repeated infinitely until the
waveform will be disabled via soft menu key ACTIVATE
OFF. If the arbitrary waveform is disabled, the respective
channel will be also disabled. You can select the values via
knob or the numeric keypad (SHIFT key). If you select the
values via numeric keypad, the values will be confirmed
by pushing the knob. Use the arrow key to select the
individual columns. Additionally, you have the option to
interpolate between the generated points (INTP = Y) or not
(INTP = N).
The arbitrary function can not be used with sequencing simulta-
To generate the arbitrary function, use the soft menu key
ACTIVATE (ON/OFF) in the ARB menu or the short menu
of the respective channel via soft menu key E.ARB. Once
Fig. 5.7: Arbitrary waveform example
the respective channel (CH1 ON/OFF, CH2 ON/OFF, CH3
ON/OFF) and the output (MASTER ON/OFF) has been
activated, the arbitrary waveform will be generated at the
output. ith the soft menu key TRIGGERED the manual
trigger can be activated (ON) or disabled (OFF). Two diffe-
rent trigger modes are available via soft menu key TRIG.
❙ SINGLE: By pushing the TRIG key each single arbitrary
point will be generated at the output one after another.
❙ RUN: By pushing the TRIG key the whole arbitrary
waveform will be generated at the output.
Use SAVE on page 2|2 of the EasyArb menu to save the
generated waveforms internally or externally on a USB
stick which can then be reloaded via LOAD. The soft menu
key CLEAR ALL allows you to delete any previously made
arbitrary settings of the respective channel.

5 .6 . 1 Data Format Example for an Arbitrary File

#Device Name;ABC
#Serial No.;020600484
5 .6 .2 Example of an Arbitrary Waveform
(in this case: R&S®HMC8043)
Alternatively, you can also use the arbitrary software module
of the HMExplorer software to create an arbitrary waveform.
This allows you to create each point of a waveform by use of
the editor. You can add or delete individual points by using
the "+" or "–" function. With the function INTERPOLATION
the defined arbitrary points can be output interpolated.

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