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Fuel; Fuel System; Battery - Jacobsen Tri King Triplex Mower with ROPS Handbuch




FUEL ____________________________________________________________________

Handle fuel with care - it is highly flammable. Us e an
approved container, the spout must fi t i nside the fuel fi ller
neck. Avoid using cans and funnels to transfer fuel.
Never remove the fuel cap from the fuel tank, or add fuel,
when the engine is running or while the engine is hot.
Do not s moke when handli ng fuel. Nev er fill or drain the
fuel tank indoors.
Do not spill fuel and clean spilled fuel immediately.
Never handle or store fuel containers near an open flame
or any device that may create sparks and ignite the fuel
or fuel vapors.
Be sure to reinstall and tighten fuel cap securely.

FUEL SYSTEM ____________________________________________________________

Refer to Section 6.3 for specific maintenance intervals.
Before replac ing any fil ter, thoroughly c lean t he filter
housing a nd the area around the fi
allowed to enter into fuel system.

BATTERY ________________________________________________________________

Make abs olutely c ertain the i gnition s witch is O FF and the
key has been removed before servicing the battery.
Always use insulated tools, wear protective glasses or
goggles a nd protective c lothing wh en working wit h
batteries. Y ou m ust r ead and o
manufaturer's instructions.
Tighten c ables s ecurely to battery terminal s and apply a
light coat of silicone dielectric grease to terminals and cable
ends to prev ent c orrosion. Keep v ent c aps and terminal
covers in place.
Check the electrolyte level every 100 hours. Keep the cable
ends, battery, and battery posts clean.
Verify battery polari ty before c onnecting or dis connecting
the battery cables.
When installing the batter y, always assemble the RED,
positive (+) battery cable first, and the ground, B LACK,
negative (-) battery cable last.
lter. Dirt mus t not be
bey al l b attery
• Fill the fuel tank to within 1 in. ( 25 mm) of the bottom of
the filler neck.
• Store fuel according to local, state, or federal ordinances
and recommendations from your fuel supplier.
• Never overfill or allow the tank to become empty.
• Check fuel lines and clamps every 50 hours. Replace fuel
lines and clamps at the first sign of damage.
• Use c lean, fres h, #2 Diesel fuel . Mi nimum Cetane rating
45. Refer to Engine Manual for additional information.
For diesel engines, bleed the fuel system after the fuel filter
and lines have been r emoved, or the fuel t ank has become
empty. See Engine Manual.
When remov ing the
ground, B LACK, negati ve (-) c able fi rst, and the RED,
positive (+) cable last.
Make sure battery is proper ly i nstalled and s ecured to
the battery tray.
Battery posts, ter minals, a nd r elated a ccessories
contain l ead and l ead compounds, chemicals k nown
to the S tate of Ca lifornia to ca use cancer an d
reproductive ha rm.
handling .
battery, al ways remov e the






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Triplex-mäher tri king mit rops
