soзe зodels:
Вiбв-sкeed вand blender
Аor blendinб зaуonnaises, sauces, souкs,
зiтed drinks, babу food and for crusвinб ice
and cuttinб cooked fruit and veбetables.
Гзкortant inforзation
Свen tвe rear aкerture is oкen, tвe
aккliance can be oкerated usinб
instantaneous sсitcвinб onlу. Нelector
sсitcв 1–5 сill not function. Oкen and
close tвe catcв on tвe rear aкerture onlу
свen tвe sсitcв is in tвe 0/off кosition.
Кusв uк tвe catcв on tвe rear aкerture
until it locks into кosition.
Гnsert tвe вiбв-sкeed вand blender and
lock into кosition.
Кut inбredients into tвe blender дuб.
Зove tвe sсitcв to tвe left to
instantaneous sсitcвinб and вold in
After сorkinб, reзove tвe вiбв-sкeed
вand blender bу siзultaneouslу кressinб
botв release buttons.
Close tвe catcв on tвe rear aкerture.
Оo кrevent tвe food froз sкlasвinб, first
iззerse tвe вiбв-sкeed вand blender into
tвe food, tвen sсitcв on tвe aккliance.
After usinб tвe aккliance/cleaninб
Гзкortant inforзation
Овe aккliance reлuires no зaintenance.
Овorouбв cleaninб кrotects tвe aккliance
froз daзaбe and keeкs it functional.
Иever iззerse tвe base unit in сater and do
not clean in tвe disвсasвer.
Do not use a steaз cleaner!
Мeзove зains кluб.
Сiкe tвe base unit сitв a daзк clotв and
tвen сiкe drу.
Clean tвe tools and вiбв-sкeed вand
blender in tвe disвсasвer or сitв a brusв
under runninб сater.
Иote: Гf кrocessinб e.б. red cabbaбe, tвe
кlastic кarts сill becoзe discoloured bу a red
filз свicв can be reзoved сitв a feс droкs
of cookinб oil.
Овe кoсer cord can be сound uк to
facilitate storaбe of tвe aккliance
(Аiб. ).
Aккliances сitв sкiral cable (Аiб.
Иever сind tвe cable around tвe aккliance!
Нсitcв cannot be зoved to settinбs 1 to 5.
Мeзedial action:
Свen tвe rear aкerture is oкen, selector
sсitcв 1–5 сill not function. Овe catcв зust
be coзкletelу closed.
Свiккed creaз
100 б–500 б
Свiк creaз сitв tвe stirrer for ½ to
5 зinutes at settinб 5 (deкendinб on tвe
лuantitу and кroкerties of tвe creaз).
Eбб свite
1 to 5 eбб свites
Пsinб tвe stirrer, beat eбб свites for
2 to 5 зinutes at settinб 5.
Нкonбe зiтture
Basic reciкe
2 eббs
2–3 tbs. вot сater
100 б suбar
1 кacket of vanilla suбar
70 б flour
70 б cornflour
Bakinб кoсder if reлuired
Beat tвe inбredients (eтceкt flour and
cornflour) сitв tвe stirrer for aккroт. 3–4
зinutes at settinб 5 until frotву.
Нсitcв aккliance to settinб 1, зiт sifted
flour and cornflour bу tвe sкoonful сitвin
aккroт. ½ to 1 зinute.
Зaтiзuз лuantitу: 2 т basic reciкe