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Inhaltszusammenfassung für MyKronoz ZeRound3

  • Seite 2 Scannez pour obtenir plus d'informations Escanear para mas informaciones Scansionaper maggiori informazioni Scan & Get Scannen Sie fur weitere Informationen Scanner voor meer informatie MORE INFORMATION Escaneapara mais informaqöes Zeskanuj, aby uzyskaCmecej informacj CWTahTeOR-KOA Anq nonyeeHLlß nononHMTe,'1bH0h LIVE Or visit www_mykronoz.com/support...
  • Seite 3 Téléchargez I'app Descargue la aplicaci6n Scaricare I'applicazione DOWNLOAD Laden Sie die app My Kronoz App Zoek de app Descarregue a aplicaqäo Pobierz aplikacje 3arpy3/Te npVlnoxeH'•1e i*ÅZapp motiluan LLOTJiNäLaiu ä0081e play App Store...
  • Seite 5 Do not place it in water ZeRound3only conforms to IP67 protection. ABOUT THIS MANUAL The features of ZeRound3and the contents of the user manual are subject to changa To get the latest instructions on how to use this product. please refer to the online user manual available on Www.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 6 évier ou d'autres zones humides. Ne le placez pas dans l'eau. ZeRound3est uniquement conforme la protection IP67 Ä PROPOS DE CES INSTRUCTIONS fonctionnalités ZeRouncF contenu manuel l'utilisateur Sont susceptibles d'étre modifiés Pour obtenir les derniéres instructions sur l'utilisation de ce produit, veuillez vous référer au manuel disponible en ligne sur www.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 7 IP67 ACERCA DE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES Las caracterfsticas de ZeRound3 y el contenido del manual de usuario pueden ser modifi- cados Para obtener las Ultimas instruccianes sobre c6mo usar este producto, consulte el manual del usuario en linea disponible en www.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 8 AVVERTENZA I Un errato collegemento del cavo di carica puö causare gravl danni al dispositivo. La garanzia non copre danni derivanti da utilizzo improprio. Scollegare il cavo quando la carica di ZeRound3 completa, I ZeRound3e la culla di carica contengono potenti calamite che possono interferire con pacemaker, carte di credito.
  • Seite 9 Wasser.ZeRoundJentspricht nur der SchutzartIP67 UBER DIESE ANLEITUNGEN Die Merkmale von ZeRouncF und der Inhalt des Benutzerhandbuchs können abgeändert werdem Schauen Sie bitte, die aktuellsten Anweisungen, in Bezug auf die Nutzung dieses Pradukts, im Online-Benutzerhandbuch nach, unter: www.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 10 I Ditproduct is geen medischapparaaten mag niet worden gebruiktvoor diagnoseOfbehandelingvan een medisch probleem. I Dit apparaatis nietwaterbestendig,dus houd net uitde buunvan allewarmtebronnenof'.n)cht.Gebruik het niet in de buurl van gootsteen of endere natte gebieden Plaatshet niet inwater. ZeRound3 voldoet alleen aan IP67-beveiliging OVER DEZE HANDLEIDING De kenmerken van ZeRound3en de inhoud van de handleiding zijn onderhevig aan wijzigingen.
  • Seite 11 IP67 SOBRE ESTAS INSTRUCÖES As funcionalidades do ZeRouncF e o conteüdo do manual do utilizador estäo sujei- tos a alteraqöes Para obter as instruqöes mais recentes sobre como utilizar este produto, consulte o manual do utilizador disponivel online em wuw.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 12 Gwarancja nie Obejmuje uszkodzeri, ktÖrych prZyCZVnqjest nieprawidkowe uZytk0wanie. GdyZeRouncP osiQgniepoziom pefnego nafadowania, o dlQczprzewöd. I Urzadzenie ZeRound3 stacjafadujQcezamöeroja silne magnesyktöre mcgazakföcaCdziafanierozrusz- nikåw serca, kart kredytov.ych, zegarköi,s,' innych przedrni0tdM,' wra21iv.'ychna dziakanie pola magnetvc- znego. JeSli utywasz rozrusznika serca lub innego elektronicznego...
  • Seite 13 KaKoro-n'160 aa60neaaH'•lR. 1 3T0 ycTV0fiCTB0 H e ggngeTcg gonoHenp0HHuaeMblM, n03T0MY aep*11Teero nonanbwe OTacex act0HHVlK0d renna nn" gnarl.l. He 'lcnonbgyhte ero Bogne pagogHHbl npyrvlx BnaXHb1XMecr. He noMeL.1.1a 310B BOLM ZeRound3 COOTBercrayeT TonsK0gal-umeIP67 VIH@OPMAUVIR STOM PYKOBOACTBE ZeRound3 VI coaepxvwoe pyK0B0AcTaa nonb30aaTenR...
  • Seite 14 EØfi,7kÆfiZeRaund3. -Y-ff wwu.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 15 ZeRouncf ZeRound3 ZeRound2fißåp67ßfiä$4å m.vw.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 16 ZeRound3...
  • Seite 17 ZeRound3 ZeRound3 unino i'Jsm_gnun l•ä3aEJ ZeRound3 ZeRound3 IP67 ZeRouncF *uhu www.mykronoz.com...
  • Seite 18 '-Ylk)Ä10AYd -sgh a is -Säi5 L9dI*tpunouaz ly-leg -Y-a 10 1 EPUn089Z --35 l}dY -S-*lokc 16 Epunouaz...
  • Seite 19 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Before using the device, read these instructions carefully • ZeRour•.d has built-in batteries.Do not disassemblethe battery on your own. KRONOZLLCis not responsible for any damage or personal Injury caused by the removal of the battery or any component •...
  • Seite 20 • Keepthe batteriesout of children'sreachandin asafe placeto preventdanger • Do not placethe batteriesin thewater.Do not exposeyour productto waterat high pressure. s uchas ocean waves or waterfall. Do not use your product in a sauna or steam room. • Do not disposeof batteriesin fireasthey maycauseexplosion,Disposeofused batteriesin accordance with your local regulations (suchas Do not disposeas householdwaste.
  • Seite 21 REGULATORY NOTICES STATEMENT This device complies WithPart15Ofthe FCC Rules Operation iSsubject to the following two cordibors (I) this device may not cause harmful interference.and (2)ttys device musl accept any ntederence received, including interference that maycause undesiredoperation. CAUTIONS Charges or modificationsnot expresslyapprovedby the parlyresponsiblefor compliance could void theusers authority' to Operatethis equipment.
  • Seite 22 CANADA INDUSTRY CANADA (10 STATEMENT This device complies IndustryCanada license-exempt RSSstandard(s),Operation is subject to the follmving two cor,dibons d)this device may notcause interference,and (2)this devicemust accept anyinterference,including interfe- rerce that may cause undesiredoperation ofthe &vice Cet apparei' est confarrre Ianorme CNR dlndustrie Canada apgöcable appareils radio exempts de licence.
  • Seite 24 DISPOSAL RECYCLING INFORMATION After the implementationof the EuropeanDirective2012/19,/E-U in the nationallegal system,the following applies . electrical and electronic devices may not be disposed of with domestic waste Consumers are obliged by law to return electrical and electronic device at the end ot their service lives to the public colecting pointssetup for this purposeorpoint of sale Detailsto this are definedbythe nationallawof the respective country.This symbol on the product, the instruction manualor the package indicates that a product issubjectto these regulationsBy recycling.reusingthe materials or other forms of utilizingold...
  • Seite 25 MYKRONOZ•,'• WEARABLE DESIGNED SWITZERLAND JOIN @MYKRONOZ 0000006 0 2019 KRONOZ LLC. All rights reserved.