Warning - Batteries
Keepbatteriesout of the reachof children
Neveropen,damageor swallowbatteriesor allow them to enterthe
environmentTheycan containtoxic, environmentally harmful heav,' m etals
mmediatelyremoveanddisposeof deadbatteriesfromthe product
• Avoid storing,chargingor usingthe devicein extremetemperatures and
extremely lowatmospheric pressure (for example, a t high altitudes)
• Do not ingestbattery riskof burnsdueto dangerous substances
• Thisproduct containsbuttoncells If swalowed,the button cellcan causesevere
intemal burnswithin just two hoursand leadto death
Keepnewand usedbatteriesOutOfthe reachOfchildren
• If thebattery c ompartment does notclose securely, stopusing theproduct and
keep itout ofthereach of children
If you thinkthatbatteries w ere swallowed orareina partof thebody, s eek
medical assistance immediately
4 System Requirements
• TheBluetooth r emote release s upports B luetooth-capable
assmartphones andtablet PCs that run the iOS6 orAndroid4 2 2 (ornewer)
Note thatsupport of theBluetooth remote r elease d epends onyourterminal device
• Please r efer t o theoperating instructions forthedevice youareusing
terminal devices such