Waste prevention, free return and disposal
Waste prevention
According to the provisions of Directive
2008/98/EC, waste prevention measures al-
ways take priority over waste management.
For electrical and electronic devices, waste
prevention measures include extending the
lifespan of defective devices through repair
and reselling used working appliances inste-
ad of disposing of them.
Please help us reduce waste and contact our
customer service if your product is faulty.
More information can be found in the brochu-
re "Waste Prevention Programme – of the
German Government with the Involvement
of the Federal Länder".
Free return of old electrical
Upon purchasing a new electrical appliance
of the same type with essentially the same
function, consumers may return an old elec-
trical appliance to a distributor obliged to
take back old appliances, at no extra cost
for the consumers. This option also exists
for deliveries made to a private household.
For distance selling, the option of having old
electrical equipment collected for free applies
only in the case of purchase of new electrical
equipment with heat exchangers (e.g. refri-
gerators, dehumidifiers), screens and display
devices with a screen surface > 100 cm², and
large devices with at least one of its external
dimensions measuring more than 50 cm.
In addition, consumers may return up to three
old electrical appliances of the same type to
a distributor's collection point for free, without
having to purchase a new electrical applian-
ce. In this case, however, the old appliances'
external dimensions may not exceed 25 cm.
Waste prevention, free return and disposal
Disposing of old electrical devices
in an environmentally friendly
appliances at an authorised collection or return
point. They will thus be made available for envi-
ronmentally-sound, resource-saving recycling.
You can dispose of old electrical appliances
free of charge at your local recycling centre.
Please contact your dealer directly for more
information about this topic.
Don't forget to erase data!
If necessary, each consumer is responsible
for erasing personal data from electrical and
electronic equipment.
Batteries and rechargeable
batteries, lamps and bulbs
If necessary, old single-use and recharge-
able batteries that are not encased by an old
electrical appliance, as well as lamps/bulbs
that can be removed from an old electrical
appliance without being destroyed, must be
removed and disposed of separately before
you return the appliance.
sehold waste.
Consumers are required by law to bring all
batteries and rechargeable batteries, regard-
less of whether they contain harmful substan-
ces*) or not, to a collection point operated by
their communal authority or borough or to a
retailer, so that they can be disposed of in an
environmentally friendly manner and so that
Page EN-39
Electrical appliances contain harm-
ful substances as well as valuable
Every consumer is therefore requi-
red by law to dispose of old electrical
This symbol means that batteries
and rechargeable batteries must
not be disposed of with other hou-