The time required to properly burnish a replica will vary based
on the surface profile. Profiles at the high end of a replica tape
grade's range may only require burnishing for 10-15 seconds.
Profiles at the low end of the range may require up to 60
seconds. Refer to the below examples of properly and
improperly burnished replicas.
6. Carefully remove the burnished replica
tape from the surface. A small piece of
release paper remains on the top-left
corner of some grades of replica tape
to facilitate easy removal.
8. Adhesive residue or other debris can
build up on the faces of the anvils
during use. To clean the anvils,
the card through the probe opening a
few times while firmly pressing both
probe buttons.
7. Inspect the replica to ensure that
no contamination from the surface
is present (e.g. dust, debris,
residual blast media).
When held up to a light source,
'points' of light should be visible
consistently across the replica
where the foam has been
compressed by the peaks of the
surface profile.