Dioptre ring
Focus wheel
Diopter adjustment of Ind. binoculars
Left focus wheel
Right focus ring
Observe only by right eye then and
turn the diopter ring until the image
is clear. (The diopter ring won`t be
adjusted again if this binocular is
only used by one person)
Observe by two eyes and turn the
focus wheel until the image is
clear. (After the first adjustment,
there is no need to repeat the
above two steps if you change
another objects to observe)
Observe only by left eye first and
turn the focus wheel until the
image is clear
Observe only by right eye then and
turn the diopter ring until the image
is clear . (The diopter ring won`t be
adjusted again if this binocular is
only used by one person)
Observe by two eyes and turn the
focus wheel until the image is
clear. (After the first adjustment,
there is no need to repeat the
above two steps if you change
another objects to observe)