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Emergency Operations; Emergency Alarm - Motorola MTP8500Ex Funktionsbenutzerhandbuch



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On entering or exiting the TXI mode, when the radio is camped on a cell, it sends a specially
designated Short Data Service (SDS) status message. This SDS message indicates to the SwMI that
the radio is entering or exiting TXI mode.
Mobility procedures that do not require the radio to send an uplink transmission are performed except
for cell reselection.
In TXI mode, the radio joins group calls for any group that the radio is monitoring, but the transmitting
on that call is still prohibited.
The radio also displays any incoming SDS messages to the user. The missed call feature is active in
the TXI mode and allows checking what calls were missed. However, the radio attempts to prevent call
setup retransmission from being recorded as separate calls.
If you initiate an emergency call, the radio immediately leaves TXI mode and attempts to start the
emergency call if the radio is in service.
If the radio is turned off in the TXI mode, on turning on, the radio asks whether to exit the TXI mode. If
you choose No, the radio turns off.

Emergency Operations

Emergency Operations are used in critical situations.
Pressing and holding the Emergency button, or entering the Emergency Number and pressing the
Send key, activates one or more services (depending on your service provider settings):

Emergency Alarm

SDS Status
Silent Emergency
Hot Microphone operation
Emergency Individual Call (Private or MS-ISDN)
NOTICE: It is possible to turn on the radio by pressing the Emergency button. Depending on
the service provider settings, the radio can start Emergency Operations automatically. If the
radio is PIN-protected (except for SIM PIN), Emergency Operations bypass the PIN lock.
When starting Emergency Operations, any ongoing voice call is aborted or cleared down, and any
packet data transfer in progress is aborted. However, the session is kept open.
During Emergency Operations, the radio rejects phone, PABX, and private calls, and does not monitor
the talkgroups in the selected scan list.
To terminate Emergency Operations, press the Right soft key.
Emergency Alarm
The Emergency Alarm is a special status message sent while starting the Emergency Operations. The
radio sends the message in either TMO or DMO.
Each time the radio enters the Emergency Operation, it sends the Emergency Alarm. When the
Emergency Alarm is sent successfully, the respective audible tone sounds.
In addition, pressing the Emergency button when the radio is in the Emergency Operation resends
emergency alarm (exception: during Hot Microphone transmission).
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MN002033A01–AC (en-US)
Chapter 3: Modes



