Warning messages
If a warning is present, a running combustion process will be stopped. As long as the appliance is in the combustion
process the warning message will be continuously visible.
If an error message occurs in idle status, start of the combustion process will not be allowed. The warning message
is visible every 30 seconds for 5 seconds.
Possible cause of error
Combustion chamber door open.
Ash box is not installed correctly.
Plug (Fig.5) not plugged.
External room thermostat is not or incor-
rectly connected.
The temperature set on the external
room thermostat is lower than the ac tual
room temperature.
Active time programs are stored, howev-
er the actual time is outside of the current
time programs.
In addition, in "automatic" mode no night
set temperature is stored.
The actual room temperature is too high
(only for "automatic" mode).
Close combustion chamber door.
Push in ash box and lock.
Plug in.
Connect external room thermostat.
Wait until the actual room temperature
has cooled and the appliance starts au-
Increase the desired temperature on the
room thermostat.
Wait until the actual time is within the ac-
tive time programs and the appliance
starts automatically.
cooled and the appliance starts automat-
Wait until the actual room temperature
has cooled and the appliance starts au-
Increase the desired room temperature.