Change of the activated charcoal filter: unscrew the lid. Remove filters carefully
from the chamber. Clean inlet and filter chamber, insert new filters. Screw the lid
back on. The devise is ready for operation again.
Attention: fill the filterroom up with clean water untill water runs out of the water
outlet! Press the filter down! The filter should be completely under water!
Note: we recommend to put the charcoal filter several hours in clean water before
it is placed into the filterroom of the separator. By watering the charcoal filter air is
being removed out of the capilars of the charcoal and therefore the filter is
immediately activ!
Checking of the discharging water: (see also "Test and service") a test sample
can be taken from the test valve. The water must be clean and clear. If the water is
turbid the activated coal filter has to be exchanged!
Disposal: the waste oil and the saturated activated coal filter have to be disposed
of according to the regulations. Please get in contact with a disposal company in
your area.
From time to time problems occur which require a more detailed knowledge of the
devise. Here is some information and rules which can help you!
Influence of the compressor oil on the efficiency:
In the past compressor oils were only chosen to suit the compressor. The problem
of the condensate disposal was hardly considered or completely neglected. This is
one reason why many companies still use compressor oils which emulsify strongly
with water and some of which form a stable emulsion.
The condensate is turbid and remains so even after a fairly long setting time. In
certain conditions it even builds up a solid foam, which swims on the water surface
and prevents the function of the separator (outlet and coal choke up).
Such condensate cannot be separated by the ACR separator. The same
applies to other separators which operate on the same principle.
When it is unused, the activated coal filter absorbs some of the oil from the
emulsion but it is quickly saturated and thus ineffective. The coal chokes up, the
condensate level rises and the condensate flows out through the oil outlet.
Therefore, these emulsions have to be collected and properly disposed of.
In order to prevent the condensate from emulsifying a non-emulsifying compressor
oil has to be used. These oils are being offered by almost every oil producer.
Please contact your compressor and oil producer for more information on the type
of oil to be used.
Non-emulsifying compressor oils can be separated from water by the