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Gude GV 4001 B Originalbetriebsanleitung Seite 30



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Before using, always visually
inspect to see that the blades,
blade bolts and cutter assembly
are not blunt, worn or damaged.
Replace worn or damaged blades
and bolts in sets to preserve
The protective equipment on
the appliance is strictly prohibi-
ted to be disassembled, changed,
used in con ict with the designa-
tion and it is prohibited to attach
any protective equipment of
other manufacturers.
The appliance must not be
used if damaged or safety
equipment is defective. Replace
any worn-out and damaged
Do not operate the engine in a con-
ned space where dangerous car-
bon monoxide fumes can collect.
Do not start the engine before your
feet are in a safe distance from the
cutting tools.
Do not incline the appliance when
being started.
Do not start the appliance when
you are standing in front of the
ejection opening.
Walk! Never run!
Make sure your posture is safe,
especially on slopes. Do not cut on
too steep slopes. Be particularly
careful when changing travelling
direction on slopes.
Pay maximum attention when
turning around and pulling the
appliance to you.
Always switch o the machine
when you are carrying it, tipping
it or moving it when it is not on
the lawn. Wait until all the rotating
parts have reached a standstill.
If an undesirable item is encoun-
tered or the appliance starts
vibrating, the appliance must be
switched o and the socket plug
removed. Check whether the ap-
pliance is not damaged. Repair any
Switch the appliance immediately
o after nishing your work.
Stop the engine %and disconnect
the spark plug wire, make sure that
all moving parts have come to a
complete stop and, where a key is
tted remove the key:
whenever you leave the lawn-
before refuelling
Do not store the appliance in enclo-
sed places just after being switched
o but let it cool down outdoors
Never store the appliance with
petrol in the tank inside a building
where petrol fumes may potenti-
ally get in touch with open re or
Replace any defective mu er.
Do not change the controlled
engine setting and do not rev the
engine up.
Do not use the machine in adverse
weather conditions, particularly if
there is a risk of lightning.



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