Red Sea ReefATO+
Water changes or sump maintenance
Whenever you undertake any activity that will temporarily lower the
water level in the sump and/or cause water near the leak detector, you
should do one or more of the following to prevent the ReefATO+ from
automatically "topping-off" or setting off the leak alarm.
Switching off the "Auto-fill" from the ATO settings page will
temporarily disable just this function
Switching off the "Leak Detection" from the Leak settings page will
temporarily disable this function
Temperature - "Disable Log" will prevent irrelevant data from being
recorded in the log
Switching OFF the ReefATO+ from the device manager will do all of the
above at once
If using any of the above, remember to switch the function back on after
maintenance is completed.
Connecting the ReefATO+ to the Maintenance shortcut will switch off all
of the functions together with other ReefBeat devices that are in your
When restarting after a water change it is recommended not to activate
the Auto-fill immediately and to wait until all devices that affect the
water level in the sump are fully operational. Use the "Check sump
water level" option (Homepage > ATO Settings > More settings) to check
that the water level is back to normal so that you can add/remove
saltwater as required. If the water level is below the sensor you can
manually add more water from the reservoir by pressing the button on
the controller while periodically pressing the "GO" button to update the
on-screen display of the water level.
ReefBeat Device Manager
The Device Manager is accessible from the Page menu in both the
ReefBeat homepage and the device settings page, and contains a list of
all the Red Sea connected devices that are installed on each aquarium.
The devices are listed according to type and in the order in which they
were added to the aquarium. Tapping the 3-dot menu for the individual
device opens a list of available actions for the specific device. Tapping
the 3-dot menu for the device type opens a list of actions that can be
done simultaneously for all devices of the same type.
Turn OFF / Turn ON
The device can temporarily be turned off/on without physically
unplugging it or losing any of its settings.
For individual units: Device manager > Device line menu > Turn OFF / ON.
For device type: Device manager > Device type menu > Turn OFF / ON
Reconnecting a device to the ReefBeat Cloud
If you have received a disconnected notification for your device, it may
need a reboot to reconnect it.
If the settings indicator LED on the device is ON click the Reboot button
from the device manager: Device Manager > Device Line menu > Reboot.
If the settings indicator LED is OFF pressing the settings button on the
device for less than 2 seconds will initiate the Reboot enabling the
device to reconnect to the home network. If this does not resolve the
issue, check that the network is available.