To set the number of speakers:
Go to Meeting Controls > Basic.
Use the plus sign (+) and minus sign (−) to change the number of speakers.
Total: Total number of active delegate and chairperson devices. This is the absolute maximum number of people
that can address the floor at the same time.
Delegate: Number of delegate microphones that can be open at the same time (excludes the chairperson).
Maximum Requests: Total number of participants that can be in the request queue. This is only available in Manu
al and FIFO mode.
Best Practices for Setting Active Speakers
Add an extra participant to the total number of speakers to allow a chairperson to speak at any time.
When using First In, First Out (FIFO) mode, set the maximum number of speakers to 1 so the participants must wait to
speak until another has finished.
Keep a microphone slot available for a remote caller.
Prevent Speak Button Conflicts
To prevent conflicts of a participant and an administrator or chairperson attempting to perform the same action on a unit:
Go to Meeting Controls > Advanced > Microphone off permissions.
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