Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Conformity
Appliances bearing the CE mark meet all applicable Community regula-
tions for the European Economic Area.
The EU declaration of conformity can be requested from the address
specified on the back of the user manual.
ADE Germany GmbH will repair or replace this product provided proof is furnished that
damage caused by defects in materials and workmanship occurred within one year from
the date of purchase. Proof of purchase is required.
The warranty does not apply to all moving parts, such as rechargeable batteries or
cables. Using accessories other than those approved by ADE Germany GmbH will render
the warranty null and void. This applies in particular to the use of non-approved re-
chargeable batteries.
The warranty does not cover items damaged by normal wear and tear or damage caused
by accident or misuse. The warranty does not cover appliances that have been tampered by
unauthorised persons. This agreement does not invalidate the customer's statutory rights.
For any complaints, customer service or provision of spare parts, please contact the deal-
er from whom you purchased the scale.
Dok./Rev.-Nr. MV304600-221012-Rev001-en