Do not attempt to open or repair your device. Opening Philips Lumea may
expose you to dangerous electrical components and to pulsed light energy,
either of which may cause bodily and/or eye injury.
Always return the device to a service center authorized by Philips for
examination or repair. Repair by unqualified people could cause an
extremely hazardous situation for the user.
Always check the device before you use it. Do not use the device or adapter if
it is damaged. Always replace a damaged part with one of the original type.
If the device or adapter is broken or damaged, do not touch any inner part to
avoid electric shock.
Always check the device before you use it. Make sure that the skin tone
sensor window is clean when using the device, to avoid improper operation
(see 'D Clean & store after treatment').
Do not use the device if the UV filter of the light exit window and/or
attachment is broken, as safe operation cannot be guaranteed under these
The adapter, light exit window and the filter of the attachments can become
very hot (>210 °C/>410 °F) during usage. Always let the adapter, the light exit
window as well as the filter and inner parts of the attachments cool down
before you touch them.
Do not look at the flash while using the device. Use the device in a well-lit
room so that the light is less glaring to your eyes. While not necessary for
safety, you may wear sunglasses or goggles for your convenience if you find
the light uncomfortable or too bright.
Before you use Lumea, you should clean your skin and make sure it is hair-
free, entirely dry and free from any lotion or gel.
Do not use hair removal creams in the area (to be) treated with the device, as
chemicals may cause skin reactions.
Do not use any pencil or pen to mark the areas to be treated. This may cause
burns on your skin.
Do not treat the same skin area more than once during a session. This may
increase the risk of skin reactions.
If you experience skin irritation or skin redness after treatment, wait until it
disappears before applying any product to your skin. If you experience skin
irritation after applying a product to your skin, wash it off with water. If you
still get skin reactions, stop using the device and consult your doctor.
If you notice a skin tone change since the last treatment, we advise you to
perform a skin test and to wait 24 hours before your next treatment.
Tanning with natural or artificial sunlight might influence the sensitivity and
color of your skin. Perform a skin test to determine the appropriate light
intensity setting.
If shaving, epilating or waxing causes skin irritation, we advise you not to use
the device until skin irritation has disappeared.
Hair removal by intense pulsed light sources can cause increased hair growth
in some individuals. Based upon currently available data, the highest risk
groups for this response are females of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and
South Asian heritage treated on the face and neck.
Follow the recommended treatment schedule. Increasing the frequency,
especially in the initial phase, can increase the risk of skin reactions.