Balluff Network Interface EtherCAT™, BNI ECT-5x7-005-Z040
5.1. EtherCAT™
Device data
5.2. Project Planning
The communication between the BNI ECT-5x7-005-Z040 and the controlling system is done
via EtherCAT™.
The system consists of the following components:
Bus master
Bus module/slaves (in this case the bus module BNI ECT-5x7-005-Z040)
To parameterize the bus master according to type, device data are available to the Bus
module BNI ECT-5x7-005-Z040 in the form of three ESI files.
The data exchange with the host system takes place in the input and output buffer. The size
of these buffers must be configured by the master.
In the project planning, the bus module BNI ECT-5x7-005-Z040 is represented as a modular
device. The device data needed for the project planning are stored in the ESI files. The data
modules of the inputs/outputs of the IO-Link port and possible additional modules are shown
in the project administration software in relation to slots.
The ESI files make the possible data modules (inputs/outputs, IO-Link ports of various data
width and other additional modules) available.
For the configuration of the BNI ECT-5x7-005-Z040 the appropriate data modules are
assigned to a specific slot.