When you place your food w thout package, or n packages, wh ch are
not properly packed and cause flu d leakage; flu ds leak ng from food
may cause corros on on metal parts of your product, gas leakage n
p pes, yellow ng n plast c components, crack ng, and threat your health
by el m nat ng hyg ene cond t ons, form ng odour, and produc ng
m croorgan sms.
Ÿ Explos ve and combust ble mater als such as flammable propellant
aerosol cans must not be stored n th s product for your safety.
Ÿ Leave top of your product empty.
Ÿ Do not allow ch ldren to enter n or play around the product.
Ÿ Do not allow w ld and domest c an mals to enter ns de or walk around
your product. Th s may damage the product or cause an mals to get
njured or d e. Moreover, w ld and domest c an mals can cause f re by
damag ng the electr cal nstallat on.
Ÿ Keep the accessor es suppl ed w th the refr gerator as well as the nylon
bags, n wh ch the user manual s placed, and the refr gerator key out of
the reach of ch ldren.
Ÿ Th s dev ce can be used by ch ldren aged 8 and over and by nd v duals
lack ng phys cal, emot onal or mental sk lls or knowledge and
exper ence together w th a superv sor or by g v ng nstruct ons related
to safe use of the dev ce and expla n ng poss ble hazardous s tuat ons.
Ch ldren should not play w th the product. Clean ng and user
ma ntenance must not be performed by ch ldren w thout surve llance.