H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
Selecting the File Format
Connecting the storage media causes a screen to appear in
which the format of the output file with the welding re-
ports can be selected: a PDF file with an abstracted or ex-
tended version of the report or the format of the welding
data management application DataWork or CSV format. Us-
ing the ñ and ò arrow keys, select the file type you need
and confirm your selection by pressing the START/SET key.
The CSV format enables import of the report data into a da-
tabase or spreadsheet application, provided this application
can read the format; this is the case, e.g., with Microsoft Ex-
The Service Report option is not important for normal op-
eration. In the scope of computer-assisted service, this re-
port lists events related to the maintenance of the welding
Downloading All Reports
After the file type was selected, the next screen offers a
"Print All Reports" option. Selecting it will download all
welding reports currently in system memory in the previ-
ously selected file format.
Downloading by Commission Number, Date or Report Range
After the file type was selected, the next screen offers a "By
Commission Number," a "By Date Range," and a "By Report
Range" options. Depending on the selection, the ñ and ò
arrow keys can be used to select from the commissions cur-
rently in system memory the desired one, of which the re-
ports should be downloaded, or the cursor keys can be used
(see the first Info in Sect. 4.1) to enter a start date and an
end date, or the first and the last report, that define a range
of dates or a range of reports of which the reports should be
downloaded. When you press the START/SET key, you cause
the selected reports to be transferred to the storage media.
Understanding the Report Download Process
The download starts automatically after a selection was
made among the options. Wait for all the selected reports
to transfer and the "Download completed" message to ap-
pear on the screen.
If a problem occurs while the download is in progress, a
"Not ready" message shows. After the problem condition is
cleared, the download resumes automatically.
If the welding unit recognizes a problem that can-
not be cleared while the data transfer is in prog-
Version November 2022
HÜRNER SPG 2.0 User's Manual
* Select File Type *
DataWork File
>PDF Abstract
PDF Ext'd Report
Display 35