c) If you want to disable microphone, the setting steps are as follows:
My computer → Press "right-hand button" → Manage → Device manager →
Sound, Game, Video controller → USB Audio device → Press "right-hand" button
→ Stop
d) To adjust microphone volume:
-XP system: right click the voice icon in the lower right corner, open the volume
controller → Option → Attribute → Audio mixer → Choose "USB Audio Device" or
"USB Microphone" → Sure → Adjust volume as your need. -
Win7/8/Vista system: Control panel → Sound → Record → Double click USB Audio
Device or USB Microphone → Microphone attribute → level → Adjust volume as
your need.
e) To record videos/take photos:
-Record videos: Capture → Start Capture → Select OK to start capture of video
sequence to save the files. You can select a directory for saving captured videos
before Starting to Capture, File → Set Capture Directory.
Take photos: Photo → Start photo