3. There are several ways to improve the recording by using Audacity. Come to
https://fifinemicrophone.com/blogs/news to search the better solution or SEARCH
WIDGET for your interested subject in our blogs.
4. For windows computers, we recommend using Audacity. For Apple computers, you
can use the QuickTime Player to test the recording.
Important Notice
Setting the Volume levels
Correct adjustment of microphone level is important for optimum performance. Ideally,
the microphone level should be as high as possible without overloading the input of
your computer. If you hear distortion, or if your recording program shows levels that are
consistently overloaded (at peak levels), turn the microphone gain (or level) down, either
through the knob on the mic, the system settings, or through your recording software. If
your recording program shows insufficient level, you can increase the microphone gain
either through the knob on the mic, the system settings, or through your recording