ASP station 2000
Sampling methods
Fig. 50: Sampling types
Sample distribution
The sample liquid is distributed into the individual bottles by means of a tap (item A). In
addition to a 30 l and 60 l composite container, various bottle distributions are available.
The distribution version can be replaced or changed easily without the need for tools.
The ASP station 2000 allows flexible configuration of the sample distribution. Individual
bottles and bottle groups can be freely defined for the main, switching and event
programmes. Individual bottles are located in two separate bottle trays (item C). Grips
on the bottle trays make transportation easy and practical.
Fig. 51: ASP station 2000 sample distribution
Item A: tap
Item B: distribution pan
Item C: bottle trays
10 Technical data
Time proportional:
A constant sample volume is
taken at constant time intervals.
Quantity proportional:
A constant sample volume is
taken at variable time intervals.
Flow proportional:
A variable sample volume is
taken at constant time intervals.