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General Safety Instructions - Eneo IPB-75M3610M0A Schnellstartanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Safety instructions

General safety instructions

• Keep the operating instructions in a safe place for later use.
Installation, commissioning and maintenance of the system may only be carried out by authorised
individuals and in accordance with the installation instructions - ensuring that all applicable standards and
guidelines are followed.
• Protect the devices from water penetration and humidity, since these can cause lasting damage.
• Should moisture nevertheless enter the system, under no circumstance switch on the devices under these
conditions, instead send them for examination to an authorised specialist workshop.
• The device must be protected from excesses of heat, dust, humidity and vibration.
• When separating the system from the voltage supply, only ever use the plug to pull out the cable. Never
pull directly on the cable itself.
• Lay the connecting cables carefully and check that they are not mechanically stressed, kinked or damaged
and that no humidity can penetrate into them.
• In the event of a malfunction, please inform your supplier.
• Maintenance and repairs may only be carried out by authorised specialist personnel.
• The system must be isolated from the power supply before opening the housing.
warranty claim.
• Connection cables should always be exchanged through Videor E. Hartig GmbH.
• Use only original spare parts and accessories from Videor E. Hartig GmbH.
• The housing should only be cleaned using a mild domestic cleaning agent. Never use solvents or petrol as
these can permanently damage the surface.
• During installation, it is essential to ensure that the seals provided are correctly installed and that they are
not displaced during installation. Damaged seals must not be installed and will invalidate any warranty.
• The installer is responsible for the maintenance of the enclosure as per the technical data, e.g. by sealing
the cable outlets with silicone.
• The devices may only be operated in the temperature range indicated in the data sheet and within the
• The camera may never be pointed directly at the Sun with the aperture open (this will destroy the sensor).
• It is unavoidable that during manufacture and to a certain extent during later use, humidity will be present
may condense inside the housing.
• To avoid this condensation inside the very tightly sealed housing, the manufacturer has inserted silica gel
sachets in the housing of the various camera types.
• It is however a physical given, that these silica gel bags will reach saturation after a certain amount of time.
They should therefore be replaced with new silica gel sachets.
• During installation, it is essential to ensure that the seals provided are correctly installed and that they are
not displaced during installation. Damaged seals must not be installed and will invalidate any warranty.
• A multipolar, easily accessible isolation device should be installed in the proximity of the IR Spotlight, in
order to disconnect the device from the power supply for service work.
• The earth connection must be made according to the low impedance requirement of DIN VDE 0100.
• Subsequent painting of the equipment surface can impair the function.
• Any warranty claim is invalidated by subsequent painting.
• A safety margin of > 1m from the spotlight must be maintained when viewing directly into the IR Spotlight
in a darkened environment.
• Do not look directly at invisible LED radiation using optical instruments (e.g. a reading glass, magnifying
glass or microscope), since this can endanger the eyes, LED Class 1M.
• Operation of the IR spotlight with a defective cover or during repair is prohibited.


