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Emmaljunga NXT 2in1 Bedienungsanleitung Seite 32



Important Safety Information
• If any part of this manual is unclear or requires further explanation, please con-
tact an authorised Emmaljunga retailer who will be able to assist you.
• Do not modify this product as it may compromise the safety of your child. The
manufacturer is NOT liable for any modifications to the product.
• Do not place objects on the hood. Never use the pram without the hood.
• Do not carry extra children or bags on this stroller.
• The pram/stroller is intended for transportation only. Never use the pram as a
bed for your child.
• Do not stand or sit on the footrest. The footrest must only be used as a support
for one (1) child's legs and feet. Any other usage may lead to serious personal
injury. The maximum load for the footrest is 3 kg.
• Any load that is placed on the pram/stroller (e.g. on the handle, backrest or
on the sides of the pram) will affect the stability of the pram. Do not use non-
approved accessories.
• Do not place any additional mattresses in the bassinet. Only use the original
Emmaljunga mattress that is included with the product.
• Items in the shopping tray should not protrude over the sides as items could
get caught in the wheel spokes.
• The seat unit or pram body must NOT be used as a car seat.
• For car seats used in conjunction with a chassis, this pram does not replace
a cot or a bed. Should your child need to sleep, then it should be placed in a
suitable place such as a cot or a bed.
• Never pull a pram/pushchair with swivel front wheels behind you. The pram/
pushchair might self turn which can lead to a safety risk if you are not cautious
and attentive.
• Never use the pram/stroller to go upstairs or downstairs with your child in the
stroller, as you may suddenly lose control of the stroller or your child may fall
out. Always remove your child from the stroller before using the stroller on
stairs. Use of the stroller on stairs with a child inside could also damage the
• Never use the pram/stroller on escalators.
• Do not use this product in strong winds or thunderstorms.
• Please note that train or underground stations may cause sudden high pres-
sure changes in the air (wind or vacuum). Never place this product near any
rails without having both
• hands on the handle as the braking device alone may not be sufficient to keep
your stroller safely in place.
• Do not cross rails when the child is placed in the stroller or the prambody.
Wheels may get stuck!
• When transporting on public transport (bus, underground, train etc.) it is not
enough to use the pram's parking brake only. The pram can be exposed to
conditions (abrupt braking, turns and bumps in the road surface, acceleration
etc.) that it has not been tested for according to the current standard EN1888.
Follow the recommendations and instructions regarding the safe anchorage of
prams during transport that public transport operators are obliged to supply.
NXT 2in1 v1.0


