3 5 Se lft e st
3 5 .1
se lft e st
Configure the selftest settings.
3 5 .1 .1
se lft e st a c t ion
Configure the action that a selftest component should take.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: selftest action <P-1> <P-2>
Parameter Value
3 5 .1 .2
se lft e st ra m t e st
Enable or disable the RAM selftest on cold start of the device. When disabled the device booting time is reduced.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: selftest ramtest
no se lft e st ra m t e st
Disable the option
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: no selftest ramtest
3 5 .1 .3
se lft e st syst e m -m onit or
Enable or disable the System Monitor 1 access during the boot phase. Please note: If the System Monitor is
disabled it is possible to loose access to the device permanently in case of loosing administrator password or mis-
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: selftest system-monitor
no se lft e st syst e m -m onit or
Disable the option
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: no selftest system-monitor
3 5 .1 .4
se lft e st boot -de fa ult -on-e rror
Enable or disable loading of the default configuration in case there is any error loading the configuration during
boot phase. If disabled the system will be halted.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: selftest boot-default-on-error
no se lft e st boot -de fa ult -on-e rror
Disable the option
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: no selftest boot-default-on-error
Release 04.1.01 05/2021
Configure the action for task errors.
Configure the action for lack of resources.
Configure the action for broken software integrity.
Configure the action for detected hardware errors.
Write a message to the logging file.
Send a trap to the management station.
Reboot the device.
35.1 selftest