3 9 Sim ple N e t w ork M a na ge m e nt Prot oc ol (SN M P)
3 9 .1
snm p
Configure of SNMP versions and traps.
3 9 .1 .1
snm p a c c e ss ve rsion v1
Enable or disable SNMP version V1.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: snmp access version v1
no snm p a c c e ss ve rsion v1
Disable the option
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: no snmp access version v1
3 9 .1 .2
snm p a c c e ss ve rsion v2
Enable or disable SNMP version V2.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: snmp access version v2
no snm p a c c e ss ve rsion v2
Disable the option
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: no snmp access version v2
3 9 .1 .3
snm p a c c e ss ve rsion v3
Enable or disable SNMP version V3.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: snmp access version v3
no snm p a c c e ss ve rsion v3
Disable the option
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: no snmp access version v3
3 9 .1 .4
snm p a c c e ss port
Configure the SNMP access port.
Mode: Global Config Mode
Privilege Level: Administrator
Format: snmp access port <P-1>
Parameter Value
3 9 .2
Display device options and settings.
Port number of the SNMP server (default: 161).
Release 04.1.01 05/2021