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Introduction - Enraf Nonius Curapuls 970 Gebrauchsanweisung

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The Curapuls 970 is a shortwave unit that enables
HF energy to be applied selectively deep in the tis-
sues and joints without unnecessarily affecting the
surrounding area. This is effected through capacitive
or inductive electrodes. The capacitive electrodes
have a larger surface effect, the induction electrodes
a larger effect in the deeper tissues. The equipment
is only meant to be used by competent personnel in
physiotherapy, rehabilitation or adjacent areas.
The Curapuls 970 offers two therapy possibilities:
continuous and pulsed.
Continuous shortwave therapy
In continuous shortwave therapy the subjective
feeling of warmth plays the major role. The output
is continuous and can be set to a maximum of 400
W. The automatic tuning ensures that the selected
intensity is maintained throughout the treatment. This
technique increases the circulation and stimulates
metabolic processes.
Pulsed shortwave therapy
Pulsed shortwave therapy is an athermic technique
with enhanced biological effects. The maximum
output is 1000 W (peak power), the mean output
is much lower: between 6 and 80 W, depending on
the selected pulse repetition frequency (which can
be set in 10 steps from 15 - 200 Hz).
Furthermore, acute conditions where heat treatment
is contraindicated can very well be treated with short-
wave therapy. Even the presence of metal implants
is not an absolute contraindication.
Some specific indications:
Post-traumatic conditions.
Post-operative conditions.
Acute inflammations.
Acute sport injuries such as hematomas and
See further indications and contra-indications on
page 21.
Other characteristics of the Curapuls 970:
Rectangular pulses.
Fast, solid-state automatic tuning.
Provision for HF magnetic field therapy.
Multi-directional articulated electrode arms with
single-knob fixation.
Large castors with safety locks.
Wide range of accessories (see our catalogue).


The Curapuls 970 is a modern, safe and easy-to-
handle apparatus, which has been developed, pro-
duced, calibrated and packed with the greatest care.
The Curapuls 970 meets the requirements of the
international standard for the safety of medical elec-
trical equipment IEC 60601-1 (General standard),
IEC 60601-2-3 (Standard for shortwave therpapy
equipment) and IEC 60601-1-2 (Standard for EMC).
According to the IEC 60601-1-2 (1993) directive,
clause, class A equipment and/or systems
(CISPR 11 Classification) are allowed in domestic
establishments when used under the jurisdiction of
a health care professional.
An Enraf-Nonius test certificate is supplied with the
unit. This certificate gives important measurements
with respect to safety and specifications.
Enraf-Nonius cannot be held responsible for any
discomfort to the operator or the patient due to faulty
diagnosis, misuse or mishandling of the equipment
and/or accessories, misunderstanding of the operat-
ing instructions or maintenance errors.
Service and maintenance
To meet the legal regulations of the countries that
have implemented the IEC 60601-1 standard, it is
necessary to have the Curapuls 970 checked and
safety tested once each year. We advise keeping
your equipment under service/maintenance at your
local authorized service office. It is also recom-
mended that a record be kept of all activities related
to ser-vice and maintenance. In some countries this
is even obligatory. The check up and/or technical
maintenance must be carried out conform the proce-
dure described in the service manual of the unit.
Unqualified personnel should not open the equip-
ment for any reason whatsoever.
Enraf-Nonius will not be held responsible for dam-
age to equipment or injuries to persons operating
or being treated with the equipment that result from
service or maintenance performed by companies or
persons not authorized by Enraf-Nonius.
Combination therapy
Since the Curapuls 970 radiates an electromagnetic
field that can affect electronic circuits inside equip-
ment in the direct vicinity, you are strongly advised
against any sort of combination in treatment whereby
a second (electromedical) apparatus is used.
Implanted electronic devices


