Ventilation of the Sauna Room
In order to maintain fresh and easy to breathe air inside the Sauna Room sufficient ventilation is
extremely important. During one hour the Sauna Room air shall be exchanged 6 times at least.
If possible, fresh air should flow directly from outside above the heater. Stale Sauna Room air
shall escape through a ventilation louver located as far as possible from the Sauna Heater near
floor level.
Figure 5 shows a typical Sauna Room ventilation example.
Abb. 5
Fig. 5
NOTE: Heat protection material such as mineral board which is directly attached to the wall or
ceiling of the sauna room, may raise the temperature of the wall and ceiling materials
dangerously high. Consult local building safety authorities to determine which part of the
fireproof wall may be insulated. In order to avoid damage to flooring underneath the heater
caused by hot stone crumbs, only dark joint grouts and stone based floor material should be
used. Any light joint grout often used for tile flooring which absorbs impurities easily as well as
plastic floor coverings are not recommended.
Due to wall surface processing with protective panel agents wall blackening can occur.
It is expedited by sunlight and heat from the Sauna Heater. The maximum allowable temperature
for wall and ceiling surfaces in the sauna is +140° C. Sawo Sauna Heaters meet applicable safety
standards and directives and the production is being monitored by reputable Third Parties
Combi Heater Output
The Combi Heater power output is determined by the volume and elements of the Sauna
such as glass windows, concrete or tile surfaces. Each square meter of said wall elements
the volume of the heated sauna room by 1.2 cubic meter. It is important to have sufficient
insulation behind wall and ceiling panels to prevent wastage of heater power. Log sauna
room's volume shall be multiplied by 1.5 since walls made of logs are heated up slowly.