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Loading The Dishwasher; Fragile Dishes; Loading Affects The Results; The Dishwasher's Baskets - Atag VA2113RT Gebrauchsanweisung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Fragile dishes

Some cookware is not dishwasher safe. This can be for several reasons. Some materials cannot
withstand strong heat, others can be damaged by dishwashing detergent.
Exercise caution with, for example, handmade items, fragile decoration, crystal/glassware, silver,
copper, tin, aluminium, wood and plastic. Look for the "Dishwasher safe" marking.

Loading affects the results

Load the dishes carefully to ensure the best washing and drying results with the lowest possible
energy and water consumption. Give your dishwasher the best chance to reach and clean all surfaces,
as well as to dry the dishes as thoroughly as possible.
All dirty surfaces should face inwards and downwards!
Dishes should not be placed in or on each other.
Angle dishes with hollows, such as cups, so that the rinse water will run off. This is also important
for plastic items.
Make sure small items cannot fall through the dishwasher basket; place them in the cutlery
Check that the spray arms can rotate freely.

The dishwasher's baskets

The dishwasher is equipped with an upper basket and a lower basket with a cutlery basket.
The appearance of the baskets may differ depending on the dishwasher setup.

Upper basket

Place glasses, cups, bowls, side plates and saucers in the upper basket. All dirty surfaces should
face inwards and downwards! Wine glasses are placed on the wine glass shelf and knives are
placed in the knife stand on the right (if fitted).

Loading the dishwasher



