21. Connect the aileron servo to the receiver. Center the
aileron servo using the radio system. Adjust the linkage
so the aileron is centered
22. Apply a drop of threadlock on the threads of the pushrod
near each clevis.
23. Tighten the nut against the clevis, securing its location.
Slide the clevis retainer over the forks of the clevis.
24. Attach the fl ap servo to the fl ap servo cover. Center the
fl ap servo (or set the values to 0 for both up and down)
and install the servo arm perpendicular to the servo
centerline. The clevis will attach to the arm 21/32–13/16
inches (17–21mm) from the center of the arm.
25. Use a pin vise and 3/32-inch (2mm) drill bit to clear the
paint from the fl ap control horn.
Van's RV-4 30cc
26. Attach the fl ap linkage to the control horn. Slide the
clevis retainer over the forks of the clevis.
27. Attach the clevis to the fl ap servo arm.
28. Route the servo lead for the fl ap servo out at the root
of the wing. Connect the fl ap servo to the radio system.
With the radio system on, place the fl ap servo into
29. Adjust the linkage so the fl ap is in the mid-fl ap position.
It may take a few tries to properly adjust the linkage.
30. Once adjusted, make sure all clevis retainers are in
position. Apply a drop of threadlock near the clevis, then
tighten the nut against the clevis to keep the linkage
from changing length inside the wing.