The order of the crate is significant to D2 Director only in continuous play modes (see "Track Loading"
section). However, you may choose to maintain a play order as an aid to organizing your set. To move a
track in the crate first highlight it then press the Push Select knob. Rotate to move the track through the list
to its new position and press again or select Done to complete the operation. To drop the track back at its
original position select Undo. Note that a track pulled from a deck is always sent to the top of the crate
whereas tracks sent from the library always go to the bottom.
The Clear operation, which completely empties the crate, prompts for confirmation as it could be a little
inconvenient to do this by mistake during a performance!
You may also reorder tracks in the crate by holding down the Push Select knob on a selected track and
turning the knob to select its new position within the crate. When you release the Push Select knob, the
track will be moved to the selected location. If you are using a keyboard the same operation may be
achieved by pressing the Return key on the highlighted track and using the arrow keys to select its new
location. Pressing Return again will put the selected track at this location.
The crate is stored automatically within the library from which its tracks have been sent. Each time a
library is loaded D2 Director checks whether it previously had tracks in the crate and, if so, offers the
option to restore them.
Select Load to restore tracks to the crate or select Ignore to
discard them. Once you have selected Ignore the crate data is
lost forever (of course the tracks are still in the library and can
be sent to the crate all over again).
You may be wondering what happens if your crate contains
tracks from multiple libraries. In this case parts of the crate are
stored within each library. To fully restore the crate, all of the
libraries must be reloaded by making sure that all the devices
used are connected to the D2 Director. If one library is not
connected, or should you choose to ignore the crate for that
library, a partial crate will be restored from the other libraries.
D2 Director will attempt to recreate the crate in the original
order, even if the libraries are loaded in no particular order. If this all sounds a little confusing then rest
assured that, in brief, D2 Director will simply try to do the most logical thing!
It is intended that the crate is a somewhat short term entity by nature. If you want to save a more
permanent running order you should consider using playlists which can easily be sent to the crate in one
operation (see "Working With Playlists").
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