2. Safety
2.4 Specifications and temperature limits
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents may result in the loss
of explosion protection.
It is imperative that the application conditions and safety requirements are
Instruments must be grounded via the process connection.
Permissible ambient temperature
-20 ... +60 °C
Permissible medium temperature
-20 ... +100 °C
The permissible medium temperature does not only depend on the instrument design, but
also on the ignition temperature of the surrounding gases, vapours or dusts. Both aspects
have to be taken into account.
Maximum surface temperature
The surface temperature of the instruments mainly depends on the medium temperature of
the application. The instrument itself does not contain any heat sources.
For determining the maximum surface temperature, besides the medium temperature also
other influences such as the ambient temperature and, if applicable, the solar irradiation
must be taken into account. For prevention, consider the maximum medium temperature as
maximum surface temperature, if it is not possible to determine the real surface temperature
even in the case of expected malfunctions.
Potentially explosive gas atmosphere
Required temperature class
(ignition temperature of gas
or vapour)
T6 (T > 85 °C)
T5 (T > 100 °C)
T4 (T > 135 °C)
T3 (T > 200 °C)
T2 (T > 300 °C)
T1 (T > 450 °C)
WIKA operating instructions pressure gauge, model 632.51 per ATEX
Maximum permissible surface temperature of the
instrument version (for the end application)
Permissible medium temperature -20 ... +100 °C
+65 °C
+80 °C
+100 °C