For example, in searching for the SAO star 40186 (Capella), the first four digits would be "0401 " Entering this number will
display the closest match from the SAO stars available in the database From there, you can scroll down the list and select
the desired object
You may also access a specific catalog object directly using the numeric keypad to type in that object's catalog number The
Messier and Caldwell objects have three-digit catalog numbers while the NGC, IC, and Abell objects have four-digit catalog
numbers If the catalog number for the desired Messier or Caldwell object is lower than 100, or is the catalog number for
the desired NGC, IC, or Abell object is lower than 1000, the keypad entry must be prefixed with the proper number of zeros
to make a complete three- or four-digit catalog number For instance, if in the Messier catalog you desire the Crab Nebula,
enter "001" or for the Orion Nebula, enter "042 "
Holding down the SCROLL UP or SCROLL DOWN button allows you to scroll through the catalog at a rapid speed
The NexStar+ hand control contains many user-defined setup functions designed to give you more control over the
telescope's many advanced features You can access all the setup and utility features by pressing the MENU button and
scrolling through the options:
TRACKING MODE: Once the telescope is aligned, the tracking motors will automatically turn on and begin tracking the sky
However, tracking can be turned off for terrestrial use:
ALT-AZ: This is the default tracking mode It is used when the telescope is placed on a flat surface or tripod without
the use of an equatorial wedge The telescope must be aligned before it can track in alt-az
EQ NORTH: This mode is used to track the sky when the telescope is polar aligned using an equatorial wedge in the
Northern Hemisphere
EQ SOUTH: This mode is used to track the sky when the telescope is polar aligned using an equatorial wedge in the
Southern Hemisphere
OFF: When using the telescope for terrestrial (land) observation, the tracking can be turned off completely
TRACKING RATE: In addition to being able to move the telescope with the hand control buttons, the telescope will continually track
a celestial object as it moves across the night sky The tracking rate can be changed depending on what type
of object is being observed:
SIDEREAL: This rate compensates for the rotation of the earth by moving the telescope at the same rate as the earth's
rotation, but in the opposite direction When the telescope is polar aligned, this can be accomplished by
moving the telescope in Right Ascension only When mounted in alt-az mode, the telescope must make
corrections in both altitude and azimuth to follow given Right Ascension and declination location in the sky
LUNAR: Used for tracking the Moon when observing the lunar landscape
SOLAR: Used for tracking the Sun when solar observing using a proper solar filter
VIEW TIME-SITE: View Time-Site will display the last saved time and longitude/latitude entered in the hand control
HAND CONTROL: These options allow you to configure the hand control display to suit your personal comfort
LIGHT CONTROL: This feature allows you to scroll between keypad brightness and display brightness Use the SCROLL UP and
SCROLL DOWN buttons to adjust the brightness of each to your comfort level
SCROLLING MENU: Speed up the scrolling text by pressing the SCROLL UP button or slow down the scrolling text by pressing
the SCROLL DOWN button
TOGGLE BOLD FONT: Press ENTER to toggle between standard or bold display characters
SET CONTRAST: Press the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN keys to increase or decrease the display contrast
SET LANGUAGE: Press the SCROLL UP or SCROLL DOWN buttons to select the display language
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