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Tempest Mk.V
Tempest Mk. V byl na konci 2. sv. války nejvýkonnìjší stíhaèkou RAF. Jako první jimi byla vyzbrojena
486.(RNZAF) peruť, která se 3. a 56. perutí
v souboji devíti Tempestù 3. perutì s pìti Messerschmitty, když sestøelil Me Bf-109 G a další dva sestøelili F/Lt.
Moore a P/O Whitman. V létì 1944 bojoval 150. wing v rámci ADGB proti útokùm nìmeckých bezpilotních støel
V-1, jichž sestøelil 623. Celkem všechny jednotky vybavené Tempesty sestøelili 741 V-1, z toho 60 sestøelil velitel 501.
squadrony S/Ldr. J.Berry. Od záøí 1944 pøešla vìtšina squadron Tempestù do bojù o získání vzdušné pøevahy nad
Evropou v rámci 2
proudových Me 262 a Ar 234. Aktivnì se také úèastnily bitevních útokù, pøedevším útokù proti železnièní
dopravì. Celkem bylo vyrobeno 801 ks Tempestù Mk. V, vìtšinou série 2, vyzbrojené kanóny Hispano Mk. II ráže
20 mm. Po válce bylo 81 Tempestù Mk. V pøestavìno na vleèné TT.5, sloužících pøi vleku terèù pro vzdušné støelby
do poloviny 50. let.
Motor Napier Sabre II o 1780 kW
At the end of World War II, the Tempest Mk. V was the most powerful fighter in the RAF. The 486th Sqn
(RNZAF) was the first to fly the Tempest, and together with 3rd and 56th squadrons they formed the 150th Fighter
Wing. Going into service in the spring of 1944, the first victory occurred on June 8th, 1944 when Wing
Commander Beaumont of 56th squadron shot down a Me Bf-109G. Two other kills occured that day with Flight-
Lieutenant Moore and Pilot-officer Whitman each downing a German Fighter. The 150th fighter wing was also
actively involved in the air defense of Britain by attacking the menacing German V-1 " Buzz-Bombs " of which
they shot down a total of 623. All the units that were equipped with Tempests destroyed a total of 741 V-1 missiles.
Squadron-Leader J. Beery, of 501st squadron, destroyed an incredible total of 60 V-1`s. In September 1944,
Tempests began to fly over occupied Europe as part of the Second Tactical Air Force. Here, they attacked
targets, supplies and fought with the Luftwaffe`s newest weapons such as the Me 262 and the new Arado Ar 234
" Blitz " bombers. In all 801 Hawker Tempest Mk. V`s were built, most of them were of the 2nd series, equipped by
lieghtened Hispano Mk. II cannons after the war 81 Tempests Mk.II were counverted to TT.5 target tugs. They
served until mid 50`s.
Wing span
Napier Sabre Mk.II (1780 Kw)
TAF. Tempesty byly úèinnou zbraní v boji proti nejnovìjším zbraním Luftwaffe, vèetnì
12,50 m
10,26 m
12,50 m
10,26 m
tvoøila 150. wing. Prvního sestøelu dosáhl 8. 6. 1944 W/Cdr. Beamont
Max. rychlost v 4600 m
Max. vzlet. hmotnost
Max. speed
early version
4x British Hispano Mk. II ráže 20 mm
685 KPH (at 4600m)
4x British Hispano Mk. II 20mm guns
685 km/h
6193 kg
6193 kg



Inhaltszusammenfassung für eduard 8025 Tempest Mk.V

  • Seite 1 8025 1/48 Tempest Mk.V early version Tempest Mk. V byl na konci 2. sv. války nejvýkonnìjší stíhaèkou RAF. Jako první jimi byla vyzbrojena 486.(RNZAF) peruť, která se 3. a 56. perutí tvoøila 150. wing. Prvního sestøelu dosáhl 8. 6. 1944 W/Cdr. Beamont v souboji devíti Tempestù...
  • Seite 2 ATTENTION UPOZORNÌNÍ ACHTUNG ATTENTION Carefully read instruction sheet before assembling. When you use glue or paint, do not use near open flame and use in well ventilated room. Keep out of reach of small children. Children must not be allowed to suck any part, or pull vinyl bag over the head.
  • Seite 3 PE 19 PE 8 PE 1 PE 5 RP 3 PE 15 RP 4 PE 16 PE 16 PE 19 PE 18 PE 22 PE 6 PE 4 PE 17 PE 23 PE 24 PE 6 RP 5 RP 1 PE 20 PE 7 PE 21...
  • Seite 5 RP 6 PE 9 PE 9 PE 13 RP 6...
  • Seite 7 MARKING & PAINTING MARKIERUNGEN UND BEMALUNG DECORATION ET PEINTURE OZNAÈENÍ A ZBARVENÍ Tempest Mk.V 1st series, JN 751, 3rd Sqd, RAF, Bradwell Air Base. Tempest Mk,V 1.serie, JN732,3. Perut¡RAF,150.køídlo,základna Newchurch Handmade painted stripes Handmade painted stripes MEDIUM SEA GREY 34 29 OCEAN GREY DARK GREEN...
  • Seite 8 Tempest Mk.V 1 series, JN 732, 3 Sqd, 150 Wing, RAF, Newchurch Air Base. Tempest Mk,V 1.serie, JN751,3. perut¡RAF,základna Bradwell Bay JN75I Handmade painted stripes JN75I Handmade painted stripes MEDIUM SEA GREY 34 29 OCEAN GREY DARK GREEN © EDUARD M.A., 1998 Printed in Czech Republic www.eduard.com...
  • Seite 9 MARKING & PAINTING MARKIERUNGEN UND BEMALUNG DECORATION ET PEINTURE OZNAÈENÍ A ZBARVENÍ Tempest Mk.V 1 series, JN 66, 486 Sqd, RNZAF, Tangmere Air Base. Tempest Mk,V 1.serie, JN766,486. perut¡RNZAF,základna Tangmere Handmade painted stripes 34 29 MEDIUM SEA GREY OCEAN GREY DARK GREEN...