KidPhone Fresh User Manual
Q: What should I do if QR code scan fails?
A: Repeat the scan in better lighting conditions, adjust the focus of
your smartphone's camera to correctly focus on the QR code. Alter-
natively, you can input the pairing number manually. And also check
the availability of Internet traffic and the ability of the SIM card to
work in 2G networks.
Q: Is connection to the Internet required for the geo-positioning
function to work?
A: Connection to the Internet is required to send the location data.
Q: Can the smartwach's battery explode when exposed to high tem-
perature or during charging?
A: KidPhone Fresh is equipped with a safe and reliable helium poly-
mer lithium ion battery, which is safer than the standard lithium bat-
tery used in many modern mobile devices. The helium polymer