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Safety Notices - Bimar hi.pet PDE3S Bedienungsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 37
This symbol tells you to read these instructions carefully before using
the appliance, and to inform any third parties if necessary. Keep the
instruction booklet for further reference throughout the lifetime of
the appliance. If when reading these instructions you find any parts
difficult to understand or have any doubts, contact the manufacturer
at the address provided on the back page before using the product.
This symbol indicates: Warning: only use the appliance indoors.
This symbol informs you that the appliance is in class III.


• This appliance is only intended for pets (such as dogs, cats or
other similar species or sizes), to deliver from 1 to 12 portions
per meal dispensed (from 10 g to 120 g approx.). Do not mix
small and large kibbles; always use only one size. Kibbles are
stored in the removable, washable 3.7l container. Any other
use constitutes misuse and is hazardous. The manufacturer
cannot be held liable for any damage arising from misuse or
incorrect or irresponsible use, and/or from repairs carried
out by unqualified persons.
• This is a piece of equipment that intentionally emits and/or
receives radio waves for radiocommunication and/or
radiodetermination purposes.
• Examples of household appliances are appliances for
typical household functions, those used in the home, or
those which may be used for typical household functions
even by untrained persons:
- in shops, offices and other similar workplaces;
- on farms and in similar locations;
- by the customers of hotels, motels and other residential



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Hi.pet fdw010