Rescanning DAB Stations
From time to time, it may be necessary
to perform a manual scan to keep your
radio's station list up-to-date. A couple
of reasons may account for this...
• New station launches or existing
stations which cease broadcasting.
• If the initial scan gave poor reception
(for example, if the aerial was not properly
extended or PiXiS was placed in a bad
reception area), the default station list
may be incomplete or even empty.
To begin a manual scan, in DAB mode, press
the Menu button. Select Scan from the list.
When the scan is finished, your updated
station-list will be saved into PiXiS's memory.
16.20pm 31 Jul 2012
Station List
BBC Radio 3
BBC Radio 4
BBC Radio 5 Live
BBC Radio 6Music
Pruning Stations
To remove stations that appear on
your list but which are not available,
press the Menu key in DAB mode
and select Prune Invalid Stations.
PiXiS will remove any invalid stations and
auto update and save your station list.
Favourite Station Presets
PiXiS lets you save up to 10 of your
favourite DAB stations as presets.
To store the station you are currently
listening to as a preset, just press
the add preset button at any time.
When successful, you'll see the
message "Favourite Added".
Favourite Added
To view your preset stations list at
any time, press the presets button.
16.20pm 31 Jul 2012
My Favourites
1: BBC Radio 6Music
2: BBC Radio 4
3: BBC Scotland
4: <Empty>
Editing Presets
You can change the order or delete items
from your favourites list by going to the
DAB menu and selecting Edit Favourites.
Controls will appear around
any station you select, allowing
you to move or remove it.
Dynamic Range Control
DRC can improve audio performance if you
are listening to music with a high dynamic
range in a noisy environment (e.g. listening to
classical music while cooking in the kitchen).
DRC boosts quieter sounds, making
them easier to hear, without over-
amplifying the louder sections of music.
PiXiS has 3 DRC settings: OFF, Low
and High. Default setting is Low. To alter
this setting, click the Menu button in
DAB mode. Select DRC from the list,
then click your preferred setting.
Note: Not all DAB broadcasts are able to use
DRC. If the broadcast does not support DRC,
then changing the setting will have no effect.
16.20pm 31 Jul 2012
16.20pm 31 Jul 2012
Select a favourite to move or delete
1: BBC Radio 6Music
2: BBC Radio 4
3: BBC Scotland
4: <Empty>