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myToys 3602 Handbuch Seite 4


Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 1
Play with 2 or more players:
The aim of the game:
The aim of the game is to be the fastest in recognising which puppy be-
longs to which master. The player that collected the most ID chips wins.
Playing the game:
The youngest child starts the game off; game orientation is clockwise.
When it's your turn, pick the top ID chip from the stack. All players must
race to find out which ID chip belongs to whom and which puppy is at the
end of the child's lead.
The player that is the first to know which puppy is the right one collects
the matching puppy ID chip.
If it is the correct puppy, the player gets the revealed ID chip.
If he or she guessed wrongly, the ID chip goes back under the stack of
chips. The puppy ID chip is put back in any case.
Now it's the next player's turn.
End of the game:
The game is over, when all ID chips have gone to players. The player with
the most chips wins the game. In case of a tie, both players are winners.
Please note:
To play another round, put the bead-pins back, creating a new tangled
mess. This way a different lead chaos can be created every time.
Game variant for slightly older children:
The puppy ID chips are laid out randomly. This makes it harder and players
must look more intently to find the right puppy.

