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MyTinySun solSlight Series Bedienungsanleitung Seite 15

Head 1000 pro; sport 2700x; pro2800x; pro3600x


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battery may remain connected to the light permanently.
Twilight switch: The function „twilight switch" is in the pro-
grams of switching stages No. 8 to 13 (see supplemental
sheet) available. If any of the above programs activated (see
selection of programs of switching stages in the Expert Mode),
the light turns on automatically at the lowest light power swit-
ching stage, starting from a given ambient brightness level.
Please notice: The function is triggered only, when the light is in
standby mode. The Standby mode in the programmes No. 8
to 13 is indicated red flashing, instead of weakly red, to signal
the function „twilight switch".
Gesture control: The function „gesture control" is like the func-
tion „twilight switch" in the programs of switching stages No. 8
to 13 (see supplemental sheet) available. With these function
the light can switched on if it in standby mode and you can
switch from one to the next light power switching stage by a
In the first step, the gesture, which is to be used, must be
semiskilled the light. Proceed as follows. Choose one of the
programs of switching stages No. 8 to 13 (see supplemental
sheet) and switch on the light to standby mode (notice: is indi-
cated red flashing, instead of weakly red, to signal the function
„twilight switch"). Bring the light in the position in which also
the later use should follow (e.g., with headband on the head).
Switch the light on by pushing the back-sided button shortly,
the Status-LED signalize the activated program (e.g. red/white,
orange/white etc). Now, push the button again, shortly after
switching on, when the Status-LED displays white color.
Now the Status-LED will display magenta color, thus indicate
the learning mode. Simultaneously, with the magenta-coloured
light up of the Status-LED, the first phase of the learning mode
will start. Now the light store, up to the first twice flashing
(main light and Status-LED together), the so called "Zero posi-
tion". That means the position of the light, where a following
switching process begins. In this first phase of the learning
mode the position of the light should not be changed.
After the first twice flashing, move to the position where a
following switching process ends. Stay in this position without
changing, until the light will twice flashing a second time. In
this period the light store the so called "switching position".
After the second twice flashing the procedure of learning a
gesture is completed. The light turns on automatically at the
lowest light power switching stage of the choosen program,
the Status-LED signalize it.
In order to switch the light with the learned gesture, you must
perform this gesture twice in a row. The two-times implementa-
tion serves the avoidance of unintentional switch manoeuvres.
Please note the following parameters: maximum time to perform
a gesture: ca. 2,5 Sek.; minimum time to perform a gesture:
ca. 1,2 Sek.; change of the positions during the learning of a
gesture: minimum ca. 10°, recommended ca. 30°. Tolerance
of the movement in the gesture execution: half up to double
gesture deflection.
Note: A learned gesture:
• will remain stored and used until a new gesture will semiskilled.
• can be used in the programs of switching stages No. 8 to
w w w . M y T i n y S u n . c o m


