Seite 2
Techne fluidised baths are safe and effective equipment when installed and operated correctly in accordance with the user manual. However, if used incorrectly they can pose a safety risk. Techne have designed all models of fluid- ised baths to protect operators from hazards but users should pay attention to the following points.
SBS-2 & SBS-4 OperatOr’S Manual COntentS page SaFety and InStallatIOn English Français Deutsch Español Italiano IntrODuCtIOn Packaging Electrical InStallatIOn MaIntenanCe preCautIOn In uSe OperatOr SaFety Guarantee Contact information Fault FInDIng DISMantlIng prOCeDure aCCeSSOrIeS SpareS lISt DIagraMS...
HIGH TEMPERATURES ARE DANGEROUS: they can cause serious burns to operators and ignite combustible material. Techne have taken great care in the design of these units to protect operators from hazards, but users should pay attention to the following points: •...
Servicing under this guarantee should be obtained from the supplier. Notwithstanding the description and specification(s) of the units contained in the Operator’s Manual, Techne hereby reserves the right to make such changes as it sees fit to the units or to any component of the units.
DANGER DE TEMPERATURES ELEVEES : les opérateurs peuvent subir de graves brûlures et les matériaux combustibles risquent de prendre feu. Techne a apporté un soin tout particulier à la conception de ces appareils de façon à assurer une protection maximale des opérateurs, mais il est recommandé aux utilisateurs de porter une attention spéciale aux points suivants :...
à l’appareil ou à tout élément qui entre dans sa composition. Ce manuel a été exclusivement rédigé à l’attention des clients de Techne, et aucun élément de ce guide d’instructions ne peut être utilisé comme garantie, condition ou représentation concernant la description, commercialisation, adaptation aux conditions d’utilisation ou autre des appareils ou leurs composants.
Seite 8
Techne ne sera pas tenu responsable des dommages subis par tout appareil dont l’emballage est inadéquat pour le transport. Pour plus de sûreté, contactez votre fournisseur. Voir le certificat de décontamination livré avec le produit. 1. nettoyage Avant de nettoyer l’appareil, assurez-vous TOUJOURS que le câble d’alimentation est déconnecté et laissez la température redescendre en dessous de 50 °C.
HOHE TEMPERATUREN SIND GEFÄHRLICH: sie können dem Bediener ernsthafte Verletzungen zufügen und brennbare Materialien können sich leicht entzünden. Techne hat bei der Konstruktion dieses Gerätes sehr darauf geachtet, daß der Bediener vor Gefahren geschützt ist. Dennoch sollten Sie auf die folgenden Punkte achten: •...
Service wird vom Lieferanten geleistet. Ungeachtet der in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung enthaltenen Beschreibungen und Spezifikationen, behält sich Techne hiermit das Recht vor, Änderungen an den Geräten bzw. an einzelnen Geräteteilen durchzuführen. Diese Gebrauchsanleitung wurde ausschließlich dazu erstellt, um Kunden die Handhabung der Techne-Geräte zu erleichtern.
Seite 11
1. reinigen Bevor Sie Ihr Gerät reinigen, sollten Sie • zuerst den Netzstecker ziehen. • das Gerät unter 50°C abkühlen lassen. Ein feuchtes Tuch mit Seifenlösung reinigt Ihr Gerät am besten. Achten Sie darauf, daß kein Wasser in das Gerät gelangt. Verwenden Sie keine Scheuermittel. 2.
LAS TEMPERATURAS ELEVADAS SON PELIGROSAS: pueden causarle graves quemaduras y provocar fuego en materiales combustibles. Techne ha puesto gran cuidado en el diseño de estos aparatos para proteger al usuario de cualquier peligro; aún así se deberá prestar atención a los siguientes puntos: •...
Seite 13
A pesar de la descripción y las especificaciones de los aparatos contenidas en el Manual del Usuario, Techne se reserva por medio de este documento el derecho a efectuar los cambios que estime oportunos tanto en los aparatos como en cualquier componente de los mismos.
Seite 14
1. limpieza Antes de limpiar su aparato, desconéctelo SIEMPRE de la fuente de alimentación y permita que se enfríe por debajo de los 50°C. Este aparato se puede limpiar pasándole un paño húmedo enjabonado. Hágalo con cuidado parae evitar que caiga agua dentro del mismo. No utilice limpiadores abrasivos. 2.
Se l’apparecchio è utilizzato in modo non specificato da Techne, la protezione fornita dall’apparecchiatura all’utilizzatore potrebbe essere a rischio. Tutte le unità Techne sono state progettate in conformità ai requisiti internazionali di sicurezza e sono equipaggiate con un interruttore anti surriscaldamento. Su alcuni modelli, l’interruttore è regolabile e dovrebbe essere impostato secondo l’utilizzo.
Seite 16
Ferme restando la descrizione e le caratteristiche dell’apparecchio contenute nel Manuale d’uso dell’utilizzatore, la Techne si riserva in ogni caso il diritto di effettuare le modifiche che riterrà necessarie all’apparecchio o ai suoi componenti. Questo Manuale è stato realizzato esclusivamente a vantaggio dei clienti della Techne e in alcun modo potrà...
Seite 17
imballato per il trasporto; in caso di dubbio, rivolgersi al fornitore. Vedere il Certificato di Decontaminazione fornito con il vostro apparecchio. 1. pulizia Prima di pulire il vostro apparecchio, disconnettere sempre la presa di alimentazione e lasciare raffreddare sotto i 50° C. Questo apparecchio può essere pulito passando un panno inumidito con sapone. Si deve prestare attenzione onde prevenire l’ingresso dell’acqua all’interno dell’apparecchio.
Fill the bath with the aluminum oxide to a depth no greater than 2 inches from the top rim of the bath. Turn the main air supply on and adjust the pressure to 15 psi, 4-5 cfm. If the Techne air compressor is used, turn the compressor on.
MaIntenanCe This unit is designed for continuous operation and requires little maintenance. The level of the medium must be maintained and periodically, the bath should be emptied and the medium screened (or even replaced). Check the air filter to ensure that clean, dry air is used. Periodically check the following components for damage and malfunctioning: porous plate- Check for cracks or local deterioration of the surface, or for leakage of air around the peripheral seal.
OperatOr SaFety It is important that only suitably trained personnel operate this equipment. It must also be used in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual and with proper safety standards and procedures. It is imperative that all personnel who may come into contact with our equipment have available such of our literature as they require to ensure their safety.
Servicing under this guarantee should be obtained from the supplier. Notwithstanding the description and specification(s) of the units contained in the Instruction Book, Techne hereby reserves the right to make such changes as it shall see fit to the units or to any component of the units. This Instruction Book has...
Porous Plate leaking at the gasket (SBS-2) or periphery (SBS-4). Action SBS-2 – Use a bead of GE RTV 106 at the place where it is leaking. Allow the RTV to cure for 24 hours. SBS-4 – reseal with water glass (Sodium Silicate).
Seite 23
Remove the fuse and check. Replace if necessary with identical fuse. Cause Heater defective. Action Connect an ammeter (range 25 Amps AC) into the power leads. Adjust heater switch and observe the readings on the ammeter as follows: SBS-2 120V 6.2 Amp SBS-2 240V 3.1 Amp...
If the porous plate support is damaged (SBS-2), replace it. Put a bead of RTV 106 around the inner periphery just above the air inlet tube, approximately 3/8 inches wide. Be sure not to block the air inlet tube. Lay the porous at the top of the inner tank and slowly push the plate downwards.
6031116 For models SBS-2 and SBS-4 pressure regulator Reduces the pressure of air from air line to suit the fluidized bath. The regulator is supplied with a pressure gauge.
Seite 32
France north & South america Bibby Scientific Bibby Scientific US Bâtiment le Deltaparc t/a Techne Inc. Silic pars Nord 2 3 Terri Lane, Suite 10 7 rue du Canal, BP 55437 Villepinte Burlington, NJ 08016, USA 95944 ROISSY Charles de Gaulle, France...