i) Rainfall
At the top center the screen, the weather station shows the amount of rainfall.
You can set the unit to "mm" (millimeters) or to "inch" (inches) as described in Chapter 12. c).
Change the time span for the measurement indicator
Press the button "-" (39) repeatedly to toggle between the following displays:
• Amount of rain of the last hour (to the right next to rainfall, "1h" is shown)
• Amount of rain of the last 24 hours (to the right next to rainfall, "24h" is shown)
• Amount of rain since last Reset (to the right next to rainfall, "Total" is shown)
Clear/reset values
If you press and hold the "-" button (39) for about 3 seconds, the indicator for rainfall will be cleared/
Only the currently displayed rainfall value ("1h", "24h" or "Total") is cleared/reset. Other values
remain unaffected.
The maximum value for the overall rainfall ("Total") is 999.9 mm (or 99.99 inch). Make sure you
reset the indicator in time, or else the value cannot be updated.
j) Weather forecast
The weather station calculates a weather forecast for the next 12 - 24 hours by means of the air pressure
history of the last hours/days. The achievable accuracy is roughly 70%.
Please note:
• If "Sunny" is displayed at night time, it means a clear, starry night.
• The indication does not show the actual weather condition but is rather a projection for the next 12 to 24
• The calculation of the weather forecast is based on the air pressure and results in a maximal accuracy of
about 70% only. Therefore, the actual weather condition on the following day might be completely diffe-
rent. Because the air pressure measured is valid only for an area with a span of about 50 km, the weather
can also quickly change. This is particularly the case in mountainous or high mountain regions.
Therefore, do not rely on the weather station's weather forecast; rather, obtain information locally in-
stead, if you plan a mountain hike, for example.
• In the case of sudden and major changes in air pressure, the indicator icons will update to reflect the
change in the weather condition. If the icons do not change, the air pressure has not changed or the
change is happening so gradually that it is not recorded by the weather station.
• If the weather forecast shows "Sunny" or "Rainy", the indications may not change even though the wea-
ther is improving ("Sunny" icon) or worsening ("Rainy" icon), because the icons are already featuring
the extremes.
Icons showing that the weather is improving or worsening do not actually mean, as indicated by the
symbols, that the weather will be sunny or rainy.