adequately skilled for the purpose. the water supply connection shall be made in the same
Pred vgradnjo moramo zagotoviti naslednje pogoje:
manner as for classical sinks.
-potrebno je temeljito izprati vodovodni sistem in zagotoviti dotok čiste
vode, ker nečistoce v vodi lahko poškodujejo elektromagnetni ventil
Fix the armature to the sink in the correct sequence (Picture 1). Connect the armature
-ne vgrajevati armaturo na mesto, ki je ekstremno izpostavljeno soncu
power supply cable with the electronic control to the mains supply via the adaptor or to the
-izogibajte se vgradnji v ekstremno osvetljenih prostorih
battery box.
Dotocne cevi priklolpite na kotne ventile. Pri modelih 09016, 09017, 09020, 09021 na mrzlo
vodo. Pri modelih 09018, 09019, 09022, 09023 priklopite levo dotocno cev na toplo vodo
the following conditions shall be fulfilled before installation:
in desno dotocno cev na mrzlo vodo kot to prikazuje slika 2.
- the water supply system shall be rinsed thoroughly and the influx of clean water shall be
Baterijsko napajanje se zmontira pod umivalnik. V baterijski sklop vložite 1x9V ali 6x AA
ensured, since impurities in water can severely damage the electromagnetic valve;
visokokakovostne istovrstne alkalne baterije.
- never install the armature in a place extremely exposed to solar radiation;
- avoid installation in extremely lit locations
Connect the water supply tubing to the angle-body valves. With modes 09016, 09017,
09020, 09021, the connection shall be made to the cold water supply. With models
09018, 09019, 09022, 09023, the left water tube shall be connected to the hot water and
the right one to the cold water supply as shown in Picture 2.
Z d.d.
HERZ d.d.
the battery power supply shall be placed under the sink. Insert one pc. 9 V high-quality
alkaline batteries.
Senzorska armatura z omrežnim ali baterijskim
1. oPERAtIoN
Water starts flowing when hands enter the sensor sensing
range. the mixer tap closes the water flow 2 seconds after the
Pri približanju rok v doseg senzorja priène teèi voda.
Armatura zapre vodo 2 sekundi po odmiku rok, oziroma
hands have been removed from the sensor sensing range, or,
po 60 sekundah neprekinjenega pretoka.
after 60 seconds of continuous flow, respectively.
09018, 09019, 09022, 09023 je možno nastavljati
With models 09018, 09019, 09022, 09023, the water tem-
temperaturo vode.
perature can be adjusted.
V kompletu 09016, 09017, 09020, 09021
Senzorska armatura z elektroniko in elektromagnetnim
the 09016, 09017, 09020, 09021 sets include a sensor-con-
ventilom, vezna cevka, pritrdilni in tesnilni elementi
trolled armature with electronic control and electromagnetic
adapter 230V/9V ali baterijski set
valve, a connecting tube and sealing elements, a 230 V AC / 9
V kompletu 09018, 09019, 09022, 09023
V DC adaptor or a battery box.
Senzorska armatura z vgrajenim mešalnim ventilom
protipovrata ventila, dve vezni cevi, pritrdilni in tesnilni
the 09018, 09019, 09022, 09023 sets include a sensor-con-
trolled armature with a built-in mixer valve, two non-return
ehnièni podatki:
valves, two connecting tubes as well as fixing and sealing
doseg senzorja
protipoplavna zašèita
delovni tlak
Power supply:
Sensor range:
Montažo in priklop mora izvesti za to usposobljena oseba
Anti-flood protection:
v skladu z varnostnimi zahtevami in predpisi!
Vodovodno instalacijo naredite enako, kot za klasièen
operating pressure
Pritrdite armaturo na umivalnik po vrstnem redu ( slika 1).
Napajalni kabel armature z elektroniko priklopite na
the installation and connection shall be made in accor-
slika 3
napajanje preko adapterja ali na baterijski sklop.
dance with safety requirements and regulations by a person
Pri modelih
230V/9V DC ali 9V baterija
15 cm
60 sekund
1-6 bar
230 V/9 V DC or a 9 V battery
stran 3
15 cm
60 seconds
1-6 bar