Checking the cell for scaling
The AQUALUX chlorinator is a reverse polarity system that limits the scaling of the cell. However, in most cases, the cell
must be manually descaled in mid-season.
Always use some spirit vinegar to do so.
Switch off the chlorinator.
Close the by-pass of your AQUALUX chlorinator.
Unscrew the cell's couplings and detach it from the hydraulic circuit.
Close an extremity and keep the cell in vertical position.
Poor some vinegar directly into the cell. Once the plates are fully immersed, wait for 10 to 20 minutes shaking the
cell regularly according to the quantity of scale to be removed.
Make sure that there is no more scaling. Do it again if necessary.
Rinse and reinstall the cell.
The use of an unsuitable product or too highly concentrated substances (pure acid) may cause visible and irreversible
damages to the cell that are not covered by the guarantee and may be potentially hazardous.
9 Troubleshooting
Possible causes
Low stablilizer (isocyanuric acid) rate in the water.
The chlorinator is not working for as long as it should be.
The production rate is too low
Recent increase in the external temperature without an
increase in the chlorine production rate.
Temporary loss of chlorine due to high organic load : rain,
leaves, fertilizer or intensive use of the pool, animals
present in the pool.
Low salt rate (less than 3.5g/L) in the pool.
High nitrate rate.
Presence of metal in the water.
Fresh water. No initial intensive chlorination.
The cell is clogged or dirty
Damaged or altered cover servo-control
Possible causes
The electric unit is not powered.
Defective electronic card
Unit in stand-by position
Possible causes
Zero or low flow inside the cell
Too much or too little salt
The cell is scaly
Defective elctronic card
Low or zero chlorine rate
Ask your retailer for advice (before adding some stabilizer
to maintain it between 25 and 50 ppm)
Increase the daily filtering time.
Increase the production of chlorine.
Increase the production of chlorine.
Operate the system at 100% for 24 hours. Check again.
If the chlorine rate is still too low, proceed with an intensive
chlorination using solid products.
Add some Aqualux electrolysis salt.
Contact a professionnal.
Use a Mooncal softener to prevent deposits.
Proceed with an intensive chlorination.
Remove the cell for inspection. Clean the cell using spirit
Restore servo-control
Blank screen.
Check the power supply
Check that the ribbon cables between the electronic cards
are correctly connected.
Check the 2A fuse of the powerboard
Contact your approved service representative.
Press a key to reactivate it.
Defect Alarm
Check the flow (closed valve, dirty filter)
Check salinity
Clean the cell
Replace the card
22 / 50
Corrective actions
Corrective actions
Corrective actions