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  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 24

Data management

Show the recorded data
All the recorded data is kept in the data log. There are three types of data logs:
• Reading log—Shows the recorded measurements.
• Calibration log—Shows the calibration history.
• Verification log—Shows the verification history.
1. Push Data Log and select the applicable data log.
2. To show the details of a log entry, select the log entry and then push View Details.
Note: To add a comment to the log entry, push the comments icon.
3. To show only some of the data, push Filter, then select On. The Filter Settings window opens.
4. Select an option.
Time Interval
Selects only the data that was stored during a specific time interval.
Operator ID
Selects only the data that was stored with a specific operator ID.
Sample ID
Selects only the data from the Reading Log that was stored with a specific sample ID.
Send data to a connected device
The instrument can send data to a USB memory device or printer. For best results, use only USB
2.0 memory devices. The instrument makes a logger folder on the device and saves the data as
a .bmp, .csv or .xml file.
Use only the printers that are shown in the expanded version of this manual.
1. Connect a USB memory device or cable to a USB port on the instrument.
2. Connect the other end of the cable to the printer, if applicable.
3. Go to Setup>Peripherals. The connection status shows Connected. If the status shows Not
Connected, make sure to use the recommended devices.
4. Push Data Log and select the applicable log.
5. To send only some of the data, use the filter settings or select a single data point. Refer to
the recorded data
6. Push Options>Send Data Log. Select single data point, filtered data or all data. Push OK.
The instrument sends the selected data to the connected devices.
Delete data from the data log
The instrument automatically deletes the oldest data record when the data log is full. The user can
also delete data manually. Make sure to save the data to an external device, then delete the data in
the data log.
1. Push Data Log and select the applicable log.
2. To delete only some of the data, use the filter settings. Refer to
on page 19.
3. To delete the data, push Options>Delete Data. Select single data point, filtered data or all data.
Push OK.
The instrument deletes the selected data from the data log.
on page 19.
Show the recorded data
English 19



