Cine 75 HD
3.8 Brakes
The horizontal brake applies the lock for the pan and the
vertical brake for the tilt movement. Both brakes are vibra-
tionless and can be used during shooting.
3.9 Support for view finder extension and Front Box
The Cine 75 HD has on its left side a preparation to
accept a support system for a view finder extension.
Drill holes at the front of the fluid head accept a Front Box
bracket. (e.g. OConnor Front Box)
3.10 Change of the batteries
The illumination is powered by three standard type button
cells (625 U or LR9) located in the battery holder, which
can be opened with a sharp object such as a screwdriver.
Make sure to insert the new batteries according to the
"plus" and "minus" symbols as indicated in the covering
The batteries last for about 2000 illumination cycles.
3.11 Transport setting of damping, counterbalance
and brakes
To ensure smooth operation of the setting rings for the
damping over the long life time period of the fluid head,
you should turn both setting rings from position "0" to
maximum position, before and after the use of the fluid
Setting during transportation: the most important issue is
to open both brakes - horizontal and vertical.
Counterbalance and damping should be set to maximum
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