5.1-multichannel encoding means, that 5 audio channels with full frequency response
are present (left, center, right, surround left, surround right) plus a subwoofer channel
(represented by the „.1") providing deep humming frequencies you are used to know
from modern cinemas. Both Dolby Digital
(including AC3) and DTS
support 5.1-coding
and –decoding.
Aspect ratio: 4:3 and 16:9
Full Frame refers to programs developed for TV display with an aspect ratio of 4:3.
Widescreen refers to programs developed for screens with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
If a widescreen program is displayed on a 4:3 screen, the picture will have black borders
on top and bottom.
A CD (Compact Disc) is a metal-coated plastic disc. It has a diameter of 12 cm and a
thickness of anout 1,2 mm. It was developed by Sony and Philips in 1985. The advan-
tages are digital storage of music enabling very natural sound reproduction. Beyond this,
the data is stored more compact, the handling is easy. The long lifetime of the media and
the fact that usage does not decrease quality made the CD the ideal storage media.
In the meantime, 12 different storage media have been developed from the first CD. The
mostly used are CD-DA (Compact Disc - Digital Audio) , CD-ROM (Compact Disc - Read
Only Memory), and the DVD (Digitale Versatile Disc).
One can store about 74 to 80 minutes of music on a CD (-DA). This is equal to 650 to
700 MB. Signal transmission is performed touchless with a laser beam. The CD is being
read from the middle to the outer side. The data or music is recorded in a spiral from the
middle to the outer side.
A CD has pits and lands, the distance is about 1,6 mm. The laser light created by a laser
diode passes different mirrors and prisms and then is focused by a lens to a laser beam.
This laser beam scans the data spiral of the CD. On the pits, the laser beam is reflected
in another direction and is detected by a photocell. The photocell transmits the signal to
a microprocessor which converts the digital data to an audio signal. The rest is done by
the sound system.
please refer to YUV
Means the range of luminance between the brightest and the darkest pixel which can be
Color temperature
The color temperature affects the way a picture looks like. If it is to high or to low, the
picture does not look naturally. The color temperature is measured in Kelvin. An optimal
value for video pictures is 6500 degree Kelvin.