Using the DCS-37-3 Mount (optional)
Place the DCS-37-3 mounting sticker in the desired
location, then use a 6 mm drill bit to drill the required holes
25 mm deep and insert the wall anchors into the holes.
If you plan to pass cables through the wall, you will also
need to drill a hole for the cable channel.
Use the provided screws to mount the DCS-37-3 to the
wall using the inner mounting holes.
Remove the cover from the camera.
Pass the camera connectors through the middle cable
channel on the DCS-37-3. Use the provided screws
to mount the camera to the DCS-37-3 using the set of
mounting holes marked A.
Remove the inner cover and adjust the angle and rotation
of the camera as desired, then put the inner cover back in
Attach the camera cover.
D-Link DCS-4602EV Quick Installation Guide