Before consulting your Sony representative, verify the following. If you are still unable
to identify or solve your problem, consult your retailer or Sony representative.
The computer does not detect
the drive.
The floppy disk busy
indicator does not light when
reading or writing data.
As soon as the computer is
turned on, the floppy disk
busy indicator lights and
stays lit.
The type of the drive is not
detected properly upon
Invalid media or bad Track
00 when formatting.
The same contents are
displayed for different floppy
Drive not ready error when
reading from drive X (where
X is the letter of the drive).
c Your computer and the drive may not be properly
connected. Disconnect the drive from the computer
and reconnect it.
c The floppy disk drive interface cable, power cable
may not be properly connected, or the CMOS
configuration incorrect. Verify the connections and
CMOS configuration.
c The floppy disk drive interface cable may be
connected in the wrong direction. Verify the
position of pin #1. If pin #1 is connected properly,
replace the cable.
c The CMOS configuration may be incorrect. Verify
the CMOS configuration for drive type: 3.5 in. 1.44
c You attempted to format an HD floppy disk at 720
KB or a DD floppy disk at 1.44 MB. Verify the type
of floppy disk in the drive.
c The CMOS configuration may be incorrect. Verify
the CMOS configuration for drive type: 3.5 in. 1.44
c The drive controller configuration may be incorrect.
Refer to the drive controller documentation to
verify its configuration.
c The drive controller may not be receiving the signal
indicating a change of floppy disk. Verify the state
of pin #34 and replace the floppy disk drive
interface cable, if necessary.
c If the cable is in good working order, the drive may
be malfunctioning. Contact your local Sony
Technical Support Center.
c There is no floppy disk in the drive. Insert a floppy
disk and try again.
c Verify the floppy disk drive interface cable.
c The drive motor may not be spinning. Contact your
local Sony Technical Support Center.