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Possible Infringements Of The Rights Of Third Parties - Kompernass CR 5 A2 Bedienungsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Possible infringements of the rights of third parties

Please note the following when using the cockpit camera:
Copyright protection
In principle, everyone has the right to pictures of themselves . According to copyright
law, pictures of people may only be published without their permission if the affected
person appears merely as an incidental feature in a landscape or other location . The
question as to whether a person is merely an incidental feature must be ascertained
on a case by case basis .
Protection of privacy
The privacy of others may not be infringed by any recorded images . Do not set up the
camera pointing at the garden or an entrance of a neighbouring residence, even if
these locations are easily visible from your own vehicle or from public places . This
does not a constitute a right to publish these views .
Personal determinability
Personal determinability exists when it can be established that a certain person was
at a certain location at a certain time . This identification can be made by means of
an identifier related to a specific person, e .g . a car number plate . Personal determi-
nability of persons is to be avoided .
Surveillance cameras at the workplace
Surveillance at the workplace is subject to particularly strict legislation in Germany .
Employers should not use surveillance cameras in the workplace in any cases where
this could lead to a possible infringement of legal rights .
The respective legal requirements of the country in which the camera is being used
should always be observed to avoid possible infringements of the rights of third
parties . Due to the possible violation of third party rights, it is illegal to publish
recordings featuring strangers or vehicle license plates without authorisation,
e .g . on the Internet . The recordings may only be used for providing evidence in the
event of an accident .
CR 5 A2




