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Helpful Hints / Energy Saving - GERATEK VANTAA FBS 5010S Bedienungsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

 Protect fresh food you want to freeze using aluminium foil, cling film, air and
water tight plastic bags, polyethylene containers or other suitable plastic
containers with a lid.
 Leave some free space between the single pieces of frozen food as proper air
circulation is required.
 The food is frozen completely after 24 hours (you find the relevant information
about the maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours in chapter
 Only buy frozen food, when its packaging is not damaged. Damaged packaging
may indicate an interruption of the cold chain.
 Avoid or reduce variations in temperature: buy frozen food at the end of
shopping and transport it in thermally insulated bags.
 Do not refreeze defrosted and semi-defrosted food. Consume within 24 hours.
 Observe the complete information on the packaging of frozen food.
NOTICE! Food (especially oily or fatty food) must not come into direct
contact with the inner lining of the freezer. The direct contact with the
inner lining can cause stains or damages. If liquids have been spilled in
the interior of the appliance, remove them immediately using warm water
to prevent damages.

4.10 Helpful hints / Energy saving

 Do not line the drawers with aluminium foil, waxed paper or paper layers;
otherwise optimum circulation of the cold air is impeded so the appliance
cannot work at best performance.
 Cooked food can be stored in the appliance. Let it cool down to room
temperature before you put it into your appliance.
 Store your food in colourless, airtight and tasteless materials.
 Some food like meat, fish etc. may become dry and release strong odours. You
can avoid these by wrapping them into aluminium foil or plastic wrap or putting
them into an airtight bag or container.
 Allow ample storage place for your food. Do not overfill your appliance.
 Wrap your food in plastic wrap or suitable paper and place each kind of food in
a particular location in your appliance. This will prevent any contamination, a
loss of water and a mingling of odours.
 Let warm or hot food cool down to room temperature before you put it into
your appliance. Otherwise the energy consumption will increase and encrusted
ice will be generated.
 If you buy frozen food, the packaging must not be damaged and the product
must be properly stored (sales container -18
 Put the frozen food you want to defrost into the cooling-compartment of you
C or lower).



